Q1)FORTRAN Stands for....
a) Formula Translator
b) Formula translation
c) Frame translator
d) None of these
Q2)COBOL Stands for...
a) Common of Bussiness Oriented Language
b) Common Business Oriented Language
c) Conference on data software language
d) None of these
Q3)Procedural Languages also known as
a) Algorithmic Language
b) Arithmetic Language
c) Americal Language
d) None of these
Q4)The Principle of grouping attributes and methods to from an object is called
a) Encapsulation
b) Polymorphism
c) Inheritance
d) None of these
Q5)IQL Stands for....
a) Interactive Query Language
b) Internal Query Language
c) Integrated Query Language
d) None of these
Q6)MS-Office is a
a) Shareware
b) Public Domain software
c) Open-Source software
d) An Application suit
e) A vertical market application
Q7)Application software is
a) used to control the OS
b) designed to help programmers
c) Performs specific task for users
d) used to making design only
e) All of the above
Q8)SD RAM means
a) Synchronous Dynamic RAM
b) Asynchronous Dynamic RAM
c) Super Develop RAM
d) Supreme Dynamic RAM
Q9)EEPROM means...
a) Error Excepting ROM
b) Electrically Erasable PROM
c) Error Erasable PROM
d) None of these
Q10)Pointing device is
a) Keyboard
b) CPU
c) Mouse
d) None of these
Q11) Modifier key is
a) Shift
b) Ctrl
c) Alt
d) All of the above
Q12)BPS Stands for
a) Bits for second
b) Box per second
c) Bytes per second
d) None of these
Q13)ISDN stands for
a) Integrated service Digital Network
b) Informations service Digital Network
c) Integrated sector Digital Network
d) None of these
Q14)ATM Stands for....
a) Automated Teller Machine
b) Any Time Money
c) Account Transfer Money
d) Answer Teller Machine
Q15)-----carries data as light pulses
a) VTP
b) STP
c) Coaxial cable
d) Optical fiber
Q16)COBOL widely used in ------applications
a) Commercial
b) Scientific
c) Space
d) Mathemetical
Q17)The E-Mail is-----message
a) Synchronous
b) Asynchronous
c) Some time Synchronous
d) Some time Asynchronous
Q18)IBM build first PC in which year
a) 1980
b) 1981
c) 1982
d) 1984
Q19)Visual form of algorithm
a) Flow chart
b) Program
c) Procedure
d) Bug
Q20)Band width measured in
a) seconds
b) Minutes
c) Hertzs
d) Bytes