Scripting Language:                                    
             A scripting language is a form of programming language that is usually interpreted  rather than compiled. Conventional programs (c,c++,java) are converted permanently into executable files before they are run. In contrast, programs in scripting language are interpreted one command at a time.

                  For example when we write  c, c++, Java programs, we compiled those programs  to converts the high level Language code to executable code(byte code in Java).Then we run exe file of a program.

      Where as in scripting language such as javascript. The programs directly interpreted(executed) by browser rather than compiled.

                   In most cases, it is easier to write the code in a scripting language than in a compiled language. However, scripting languages are slower because the instructions are not handled solely by the basic instruction processor. Scripting languages allow rapid development and can communicate easily with programs written in other languages.

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