Reserve Bank of India Recruits 68 Security Guards vacancies for ex-service men:

Applications are invited from Indian citizens who fulfill the eligibility criteria (Only ex.service men)and residing in the states of Maharastra(excluding vidhraba Region), Goa, Union Territory of Dadra  Nagar Haveli for enlistment in the wait list for the post of security guard in class-iv cadre.

Last Date:12 July 2013.

1)No.of Vacancies :
Total vacancies
Security guard

2)Educational qualifications:

Minimum 10th pass. Maximum under graduate.

The candidates are requested to produce original certificate/testimonials etc. for examination at the time of interview and under no circumstances laminated certificates will be accepted by the bank.

3) Age Limit:
 General-25 years 
 OBC-28 years
 SC/ST-30 years as on June 1,2013 is further relaxable to the extent of no.of years of service in armed forces+ 3 years subject to maximum upper age limit of 45 years

4)Place of work:
Vacancies are in the bank’s offices at Mumbai, Navi Mumbai and Pune. Candidates may be posted at any of these centres.

5) Pay and allowances: Total emoluments at the current rate of allowances will be Rs.15,545/- basic pay Rs.6450+A.S.P Rs.170 per Month.

6) Orthopaedically handicapped/ disabled persons will not be eligible. Graduates/Degree holders are not eligible and need not apply.

7) Selection process:
The candidates shortlisted for the posts of security guard may have to undergo written test and interview.

How to apply:
i)                    Candidate must apply in the prescribed format of  application available in website. Any other format will be rejected.
ii)                  Attested Xerox copies of relevant documents should be attached. Application sent by ordinary post. The cover superscribed “Application for the post of security guard”.Applications should be addressed to following adderess.
Regional Director(Maharastra and Goa)
Reserve Bank of India,
Mumbai Office,
Human resource Management Department,
Recruitment Section, Main Building,
Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, post box no:901, Fort,
Mumbai 400 001.

 For Detailed Notification clickhere.

 For Application clickhere.


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Nice and interesting information and informative too.Can you please let me know the good attraction places we can visit: Security Guard in Navi Mumbai

