Online applications are invited from Indian nationals for direct recruitment to the post(s) of Personal Assistant, General Central Service, Group-B (Non- Gazetted/Ministerial) and Junior Intelligence Officer Grade-II/Technical, General Central   Service,  Group  C (Non-Gazetted/Non-Ministerial)  in  Intelligence Bureau, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. Candidates who fulfill the conditions of eligibility for one or both post(s) are advised to go through all parameters under different paras and sub-paras mentioned below and satisfy themselves about their suitability/eligibility in age limit, essential/technical qualifications  for  the  post(s)  before  applying.  Candidates  fulfilling  eligibility criteria of the post(s) may apply online through website
Start Date:03-05-2014
Personal Assistant: 42 Vacancies
Closing Date:02-06-2014
Juior Intelligence officer : 32 vacancies

Post code
Name of the  Post
Number  of
vacancies with   break up
Essential qualification
Pay Scale
Assistant (P.A.) General Central Service, Group-B (Non- Gazetted/ Ministerial)

(UR-13, OBC-08, SC-13, ST-08)
10+2         pass         or

equivalent with proficiency in stenography
(i) Dictation:  10 minutes@ 100 words per minute.
(ii) Skill       test       on computer-transcription of      shorthand,      40 minutes  (English)  and
55 minutes (Hindi) Desirable:
Knowledge   of computer operation, viz.,   Windows   2000/
2003, MS Word, etc
Rs.           9300-

34800/- and grade   pay   of Rs.     4600/- (PB-2),
plus           other allowances     at Central Government rates.


Officer Grade-II/Tech (JIO-II/Tech)

(UR-18, OBC-07, SC-05, ST-02)
Matriculation with two

years Industrial Training Institute (ITI) passed certificate in Radio Technician or
Rs.           5200-

20200/- and grade   pay   of Rs. 2400/- (PB-
1)   plus   other

Central Service, Group ‘C’ (Non- Gazetted/Non

or Computer or Electronics or Electrical.
allowances     at
Central Government rates.

Age Limit for PA:

18 - 27 years as on the closing date i.e. June 02, 2014 for registration of applications.
The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for SC/ST and three years for OBC candidates.
The upper age limit is also relaxable up to 32 years of age for such government servants who have rendered minimum three years of regular & continuous service.
The age limit is also relaxable for ex-servicemen as well as for candidates who were domiciled in J&K during 1.1.1980 to 31.12.1989 and children & dependents of victims of communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat as per Government instructions in this regard issued from time to time.

Age Limit for JIO-II tech:
18-27 years as on the closing date i.e. June 02, 2014 for registration of applications.
The upper age limit is relaxable by five years for SC/ST and three years for OBC candidates.
 Scheme of examination:

Description of Examination
Max. Marks

Examination - common for both the posts
Objective type multiple choice

questions on General Awareness, G.K, English, Reasoning, Mathematical aptitude, etc.
1 Hour

30 minutes

Stenographic skill test for
the post of PA

English or Hindi Shorthand @

100 words per minute

(i)  Dictation:  10  minutes  @

100 words per minute

(ii) Skill test on computer- transcription of shorthand, 40 minutes (English) and 55 minutes (Hindi).

The   transcription   would   be done on computer only.

10 minutes

Skill test in

the relevant field of trade followed by interview for JIO-II(Tech)
100         (50

marks   each for trade test
& interview)

Those candidates who acquire a specific standard in the written test will be called for skill test in stenography for the post of Personal Assistant and Skill test in the relevant field of trade followed by interview for the post of JIO- II/Tech. The date, place and time of skill test and interview shall be intimated to the candidates online.

Selection of candidates:   Based on the performance of the candidates in written test, stenographic test/skill test cum interview, they will be selected subject   to   successful   completion   of   their   character   and   antecedent verification and thereafter medical examination.

  How to Apply:

(i)    Applications should be submitted online only, by logging on to the website

(ii)   Online registration will become operational from the date of publication of advertisement, i.e. May 03, 2014 till 2359 hours of the closing date, i.e. June 02, 2014. Any registration done prior to May 3, 2014 will not be entertained.
(iii)   Applications will not be accepted through any other mode.

(iv)   Wrong information in any column may lead to the application getting rejected altogether.
 (v)   The format of online application form is divided into two parts viz.

Part-I relates to the personal, academic and other particulars of the candidate and Part-II relates to the payment modes. The candidate will have to fill up the Part-I of online application, upload their photograph and signature and then select option for payment of fees, if any, in Part II of the application form.
(vi)   The candidates are required to upload their photograph (size should not be more than 20 Kb) and signature (size should not be more than
10 Kb) at the time of online registration itself.

(vii)  Before submitting the online applications, the candidates must preview the application to ensure that they have provided correct information and uploaded correct photograph and signature. It must also be ensured that the photograph and signature are visible and not hazy/blurred, otherwise the photograph and signature should be uploaded again and online application should be submitted only after ensuring that the information/photograph/signature are correct.
(viii)   Candidates can apply either for one or both posts provided he/she fulfils the prescribed eligibility conditions. There will be a common written test (objective type multiple choice) for PA and JIO-II/Tech. On the basis of their performance in the written examination, the candidates would be short-listed for stenographic test for PA and skill
test  or  interview  for  JIO-II/Tech,  depending  on  the  number  of vacancies for each post.
(ix)    Candidates are advised to submit only one application for one or both post(s). Submission of multiple applications may result in cancellation of such applications altogether.

(x)    The candidates are required to take the print out of the Registration Slip and keep it in safe custody. They should also note down their registration   number   and   Roll   Number   (as   and   when   allotted) separately for future reference.

(xi)   Candidates are required to possess an e-mail ID valid for 06 (Six) months which is to be entered in the application form at the time of online registration so that admit cards for the written examination and interview call letters can be sent to the candidate.

(xii)  Candidates must furnish one mobile number in the column provided in the application form to enable us to give SMS alert about the downloading of the admit card for written examination and interview.
 (xiii)  Applicants are advised to ensure that email addresses ending with are directed to their inbox and not to spam folder or any other folder.

(xiv) This office will not be responsible for bouncing of any e-mail or malfunctioning of the mobile phone number given by the candidate.
(xv)  The information regarding written examination, downloading of admit cards and interview call letters will also be posted on the website from time to time.
(xvi)  Therefore, the candidates are advised to visit the website of MHA

from time to time.

(xvii) Applicants are advised to keep checking their email and the website of MHA from time to time and particularly 2-3 days before the date of written examination for updates.

(xviii) Applicants are NOT required to submit hard copy of their application forms.
(xix) Candidates must carry at least two passport size photographs and identity proof in original such as Voter Card, Driving Licence, Aadhar Card, Income Tax Pan Card, Identity Card issued by
University/college etc to the examination centre, failing which they shall not be allowed to appear for the examination.
(xx)  The  candidate  has  to  opt  for  one examination  centres  out  of  33 examination centres given below for the written examination. The examination centre once opted will not be changed under any circumstances.
(xxi) Centre  of  examination:  The  examination  will  be  held  at  following centres:
Sl. No.
Sl. No.

Examination Fee: Rs. 50/- (RUPEES FIFTY ONLY) for General & OBC candidates (male). However, woman candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe are exempted from payment of fee.

(A)    MODE OF PAYMENT: Applicants (who are required to pay the fee) can pay the fee by cash deposit (offline payment) at any branch of State Bank of India using the Challan form (available in part-II of the online application) or by using internet banking facility of State Bank of India or State Bank Debit-cum-ATM card. PartII of the online application pertains to payment of fee, wherein the applicant can opt for mode of payment, viz., offline payment or online payment.

(B)    OFFLINE PAYMENT (Cash Deposit): In this option, the applicant will be required to take a printout of Challan form (wherein name of the applicant and his/her Registration number will be printed) and deposit the fee in cash in any branch of State Bank of India after a gap of one working day. A counterfoil of this Challan would be given back to the candidate by the bank, indicating the transaction ID, which may be retained by the candidates.
(C)    ONLINE PAYMENT (Internet Banking and Debit-cum-ATM card): The applicants having internet banking facility of State Bank of India or having State Bank Debit-cum-ATM card can pay the fee online. Once the online payment option is selected by the applicant, he/she would be automatically guided to the website of State Bank of India and after paying  the  fee  through  a  user  friendly  interface,  he/she  would  be guided  back  to  the  registration form/website  and  a  confirmation  is immediately flashed regarding receipt of payment.

(D)   Those candidates who apply on the closing date and opt for Cash Payment can deposit the fees in any State Bank of India branch after a gap of one working day i.e. on June 04, 2014. However, for online payment through State Bank of India Internet Banking and State Bank of India Debit-cum-ATM Card, the last date for depositing the fees would be the closing date.
(E)      Fee once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.

NOTE 1: Those candidates depositing fees in cash mode should verify the status  of  their  payment  after  2  working  days.  For  example,  if  the challan is printed on May 20, 2014, the fee can be deposited in cash on May 22, 2014 and the payment status could be checked on May
24, 2014.

NOTE 2: Fee paid by modes other than Cash deposit, Internet Banking or Debit-cum-ATM card will NOT be accepted under any circumstances and the applications of such candidates will be rejected outright and payment made shall stands forfeited.

Closing Date:-June 02, 2014 (2359 Hrs.)

General Instructions:

(i)      The crucial date for determining the age limit, educational/technical qualifications, certificates/testimonials, etc. shall be the closing date for receipt of applications from the candidates.
(ii)     The date of birth as well as the name of the applicant will invariably be taken from the matriculation certificate issued by a recognized board. No other proof of date of birth and name shall be accepted.
(iii)    Certificates  in  support  of  academic/technical  qualifications  must have been obtained on or before the closing date from recognized Institution/ University.
(iv) Educational/Technical  certificate  obtained  through  Open Universities/Distance education mode will not be accepted for the purpose of Educational Qualification unless it is recognized by Distance Education Council in terms of Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification

No.  44,  dated  01.03.1995  published  in  the  Gazette  of  India  dated

08.04.1995 for the relevant period when the candidate acquired the relevant qualification.
(v)   The candidates who are yet to get their passing certificate, if called for stenographic test/skill test or interview, would be required to submit proof of their passing the Higher Secondary examination/ITI certificate on or before the closing date. Such proof, if issued after the closing date, would not be entertained on ground of late conduct of examination, delay in declaration of result or any other ground whatsoever.
(vi)    Candidates must ensure before applying for the post(s) that he/she is eligible for the post(s) in terms of age, educational/technical qualification etc. as laid down in the advertisement.
(vii)   As  no  testimonials  are  called  for  at  the  submission  stage,  the

admission to the written examination would be provisional. If the information  furnished  by  the  candidate  while  submitting  application  is found to be incorrect at a later date, the candidate himself/herself will be solely responsible and his/her service would be liable to be terminated at any time during his/her service.
(viii)  The admission of a candidate at various stages of examination, viz., written exam and stenographic test/skill test or interview will be purely provisional,   subject   to   his/her   satisfying   the   prescribed   eligibility conditions.
(ix)    If on verification at any time before or after the written exam or interview, it is found that a candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions, his/her candidature for the said examination would be cancelled.
(x)     Candidates are advised to furnish correct information regarding their age, educational qualification and caste/category (i.e. SC/ST/OBC) in the application form.
(xi) Copies of the certificates of age, educational/technical qualifications and caste/category etc. (attested or otherwise) are not required to be attached with the application form at this stage. However, if the candidate qualifies in the written examination, the same would be required to be produced by him/her as and when it is asked for.
(xii)   Candidates claiming relaxation under OBC Category must ensure that they belong to OBC Category as per the notification of Central Government meant for appointment to the posts under the Government of India (not as per the notification of State Government) and DO NOT belong to the creamy layer.


(xiii)  If any candidate qualifies  in the written test he/she will have to produce the OBC certificate along with the undertaking in the proforma given at Appendix-I as and when asked for.
(xiv)  Certificate in any other proforma will not be accepted in any case.

(xv)   In case the candidate fails to submit the certificate in the proforma (Appendix-I) from the Competent Authority his/her candidature for the post will be summarily rejected and no correspondence will be entertained in this regard.
(xvi)  Any change in category will NOT be entertained in future and the candidature of such candidate would be cancelled.
(xvii) Candidates     will     be     required     to     produce     the     original certificates/testimonials when called for stenographic test/skill test or interview.
(xviii) Candidates   already   in   Government   service   or   working   with PSUs/Autonomous bodies must inform their Employer or obtain necessary permission, as the case may be, before applying for the said post (s).
(xix)  No Objection Certificate (NOC) from the Employer is required to be furnished at the time of stenographic test/skill test, if called for.
 (xx)   Candidates, who get employed in Govt. service/PSUs/Autonomous bodies after the closing date, would be required to bring NOC from their employer at the time of stenographic test/skill test or interview, if called for.
(xxi)  Candidates who have appeared in the Higher Secondary or other equivalent examination and whose results have not been declared by the closing date, are not eligible and as such they NEED NOT apply. The candidatures of such candidates would not be entertained.

(xxii)  Correspondence with reference to the admission to the said test will

NOT be entertained.

(xxiii)   No TA or other expenses will be admissible to the candidates for appearing   in   the   written   examination/stenographic   test/skill  test   or interview except to unemployed SC/ST candidates who will be reimbursed the fares as admissible under the Rules. No cash payment will be made at the time of test or interview.

(xxiv)   Mobile Phone and other electronic gadgets are banned within the premises of the examination centres.
(xxv) Arrangement for safe keeping of any valuable/costly items at the venues can not be assured.

(xxvi)  Possession of  such equipment  whether in use or in switch off mode, during the examination will be considered as use of unfair means. Candidature of such candidates will be cancelled. They will be liable for further action as may be decided by this office.

(xxvii)   Candidate  should  verify  the  particulars  filled  in  the  application form, online, very carefully before submitting the same. After submission, NO change in any parameters would be allowed.

(xxviii)  Candidates are advised to keep ready the following documents in original along with their attested copies soon after the declaration of the result of written examination:

a)      Matric/Higher Secondary School certificate or equivalent   and ITI

certificate showing name and date of birth,

b)      Degree/Provisional  degree  certificate/marksheet  showing  clearly having passed degree examination and eligible for award of degree,
c)      OBC certificate, if applicable, from competent authority in prescribed proforma, as explained in para 8 (xiii) above,
d)      SC/ST certificate, if applicable, from competent authority. e)      NOC from the present employer, if applicable, and
f)       Any  other  document/testimonial  as  deemed  necessary  by  the candidate.

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