Online test on Country's,Capital's and Currency's Online Exams 1. Turkey Capital is Ankara Nairobi Oslo Manoco 2. Colambia Capital is Hawana Bogota Nocodia Ottova 3. Berlin is a capital of Canada Germany Japan Italy 4. Singapore Capital is Singapore city Caire Hawana Brasilia 5. South Korea capital is Seoul Tehran Kairo Monako 6. Rial is the currency of Japan Malasia Iran Germany 7. Australia Currency is Pound Dollor Euro Real 8. Indonesial currency is Rupaih Rupee Dinar Yen 9. Portugal Currency is Peso Euro Ruble Rand 10. Thailand capital is Kampala Bern Bangkok Rand 11. Spain Capital is Madrid Tunis Port-Villa Hanoi 12. Doha is a capital of Serbia Quatar Slovenia Greece 13. Libya capital is Tripoli Riga Lisbon Satia 14. China Currency is Yen Yuan Pound Euro 15. Iraq currency is Dinar Rial Rupee Won 16. Krone is the currency of Denmark Russia Saudi Arabia Ukraine 17. Afghanistan currency is Dollor Pound Afghan Afghani Rupee 18. Switzerland currency is Franc Pound Dirhan Euro 19. Netherlands currency is Won Peso Euro Riyal 20. Cuba currency is Dollor Peso Euro Cuba Dollor Score = Correct answers: Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ no Related PostsComputer Knowledge Test10Time and Work Test2Time and Work Test1Computer Knowledge Test13Computer Knowledge Test12Computer Knowledge Test11