Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant, Postman and Multi Tasking Staff vacancies for Sports Candidates

            Applications are invited from meritorious Sportspersons in the following disciplines for appointment as Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant/PACO/PA SBCO/Postman and           Multi Tasking Staff for the year 2013-2014 and for the unfilled vacancies of the years 2009 to 2010- under sports quota against the vacancies.
1. The details of vacancies 
(a) Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant

(b) Postman
(c) Multi Tasking Staff

  1. Meritorious Sports Candidates will be selected for appointment based on the instructions contained in the Department of Personnel & Training OM no. 14015/1/76-ESTT.(D) dated 04.08.1980 as amended from time to time .

  1. Order of  Preference:
(1)Candidates who have represented the country in an INTERNATIONAL competition with the clearance of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports.

(2)Candidates who have represented a State/Union Territory in the Senior or Junior Level National Championship Organized by the National Sports Federations recognized by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports or National Games organized by the Indian Olympic Association and have won medals or position up to third place. Between the candidates those participated and won medal in Senior National Championship should be given preference.

(3 )Candidates who have represented a University in an Inter-University competition conducted by Association of Indian Universities /Inter-University Sports Board and have won medals or positions up to third place in finals.

(4)Candidates who have represented the State Schools in the National Sports/Games for Schools conducted by the All India School Games Federation and have won medals or positions up to third place.

(5)Candidates who have been awarded National Award in physical efficiency under National Physical Efficiency Drive.

(6)Candidates who have represented a State/Union Territory/ University /State School Teams at the level mentioned in categories (b) to (d) but could not win a medal or Position in the same order of preference.

NOTE 1. In the event of tie, those who have secured a higher position or won more than one medal may be given the preference.

NOTE 2. Participation in individual and team event / item may be given the same preference.

3(a) Age for the Vacancies of PA/SA

Age – 18 to 27 years as on              19  -  01  - 2015
(Age relaxation for SC/ST- Ten years and for others Five years)

3(b) Age for the Vacancies of Postman/Multi Tasking Staff

Age - 18 to 27 years as on   19  - 01  - 2015

(Age relaxation for SC/ST- Ten years and for others Five years)

3(c) Age Relaxation for Government Servants -

(i)                  Upto 35 years in case of Multi Tasking Staff

(ii)                Upto 40 years in case of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant and Postmen

in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government. 3(d)Ex-servicemen

3 years after deduction of service rendered in military from the actual age as on the last date for receipt of application

The crucial date for determining the age limit shall be the last date for receipt of application i.e. 19 - 01 -2015

4.  Educational qualifications.

(a)   Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant:-

(i)      10+2 Standard or 12th class pass from recognised University/Board of School Education Board of Secondary Education with English as a compulsory subject (excluding vocational streams),

(ii)      Should have studied local language of the State of A.P. Postal Circle or Hindi as a subject at least in Matriculation or equivalent.

(b)  Postman  :-              A  Pass  in              Matriculation           from         a  recognised

(i)      Multi Tasking Staff (Administrative offices):- A Pass in Matriculation /ITI or equivalent from a recognised Board/University.

(ii) Multi Tasking Staff (Subordinate offices):- A Pass in Matriculation or ITI from a recognised Board.

5.      Scale of Pay

(a)   Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant :- Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2400+ admissible allowance

(b)     Multi Tasking Staff :- Rs.5200 – 20200 + grade Pay Rs.1800+ admissible allowance

(c ) POSTMAN :- Rs. 5200 -20200 + grade pay Rs.2000 + admissible allowance (d ) Period of probation : Two years

(6) Submission of Applications

a)   The Notification can be downloaded from A.P.Postal Circle web site

b)      Applications purchased from outside vendors will not be accepted.

c)      Applications   to   be   superscribed   as   “APPLICATION   FOR   THE   POST   OF


Chief Postmaster General (Rectt. & Wlf. Section)
A.P. Circle, Dak Sadan, Hyderabad-500001.

Category for which applied should be specifically mentioned.

(7) Application Fee

Application Fee: All the Applicants have to pay an application fee of Rs100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) and it should be deposited/ paid in any Post Office in A.P. Postal Circle and submit original receipt along with application. Candidate has to check carefully whether name of candidate and the purpose of credit is clearly printed on the receipt. Details of fee paid must be noted in the space provided in the application and original receipt to be pasted in the space provided. In case of candidates residing outside A.P Postal

Circle candidates have to enclose an Indian Postal Order of value of Rs 400/- in favour of Chief Postmaster General, A.P. Circle, Hyderabad-500001.

For Detailed Notification and applicatn clickhere.

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