Applications are invited, from the eligible local and non-local candidates in the given format, for appointment to the post of Stenographer Grade III ( 05 ) against Roster Point 30(W),32 O.C I-Cycle, 31 OC(Hearing Impaired) (Open) I- Cycle, 29 BC-A in I- Cycle and 33 ST I- Cycle, as per G.O.Ms.No.65 GA (Ser-D), Dept. dt:15-02-1997 in the A.P. Judicial Ministerial Services 2003 and as per G.O.Ms.No.99, General Administration (Services-D) Department dated.04-03-2013, in the unit of District and Sessions Judge, Medak District at Sangareddy.
The application shall be in the prescribed pro-forma and to be sent to the following address by Post/ Registered Post/Courier Service. No application will be received directly.
Applications are to be addressed to:
The principal district and sessions Judge,
Sangareddy, Medak
For application clickhere.

Class or Category
No of Posts
Roster Points
Scale of Pay RPS 2010
02 (1 W)
30 (w) and  32 in I Cycle
OC(Hearing Impaired) (Open)
31 in I Cycle
29 in I Cycle
33 in I Cycle
  Note: 1. The applicant shall pay a sum of Rs.200/- by way of demand draft in favour of the Prl. District and Sessions Judge, Medak at Sangareddy towards application fee/Examination fee for written examination, for each post.

2. The candidates belonging to SC/ST Physically Handicapped/Ex. Service men Candidates are exempted from paying application fee/Examination Fee.


i) Must have passed intermediate Examination conducted by A.P., State Board of Intermediate Examination or any equivalent Examination.
ii)Must have passed Andhra Pradesh Government Technical Examination in English Type Writing by Higher Grade “or equivalent”
iii) Must have passed Andhra Pradesh Government Technical Examination in English Short Hand by Higher Grade. Provided that if candidates who have passed the examination by Higher Grade are not available those who have passed the examination by Lower Grade will be considered Must Have Knowledge or Qualification in Computer Operation.
A Candidate shall not be eligible for appointment if he does not possess an adequate knowledge to the language or languages of the district in which he is to be appointed. The language or languages of the district is an specified in Annexure-III to these rules.
III.          AGE LIMIT:
 i)Must have completed 18 years of age and must not have completed 34 years of age as on 01-07-2014.
 ii)The age relaxation of maximum age limit is 5 years in respect of SCs, STs and Backward Class candidates and 10 years in respect of Physically Handicapped and Ex-Servicemen as per rules under 12 (c)(i) of A.P. State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996.
All the Candidates (except Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Physically Handicapped/Ex-Servicemen categories) seeking appointment to the above posts should send their applications in the prescribed proforma only addressed to THE DISTRICT JUDGE, MEDAK AT SANGAREDDY, by Registered Post/Courier Service along with a DEMAND DRAFT FOR RS.200/- for each category of post towards Examination Fee to be conducted on OMR basis ( Technology) drawn on State Bank of India/ Hyderabad, Payable at S.B.I/ S.B.H, Main Branch Sangareddy only by duly mentioning the name of the post applied on the envelop cover. The candidates belonging to S.C/S.T/P.H./ESM Categories are exempted from payment of Examination fee of Rs.200/-. That the amount collected towards examination/application fee shall not be refunded in the event or application received after the due date or gets rejected due to various reasons. The applications must reach the District  Court,  Medak  at  Sangareddy  by  5-00  P.M.  on  31-12-2014.
Applications received after last date will not be considered. The applications not in the prescribed format will be summarily rejected. The candidates are instructed that particulars of Demand Draft shall be noted in the relevant column of the application.

i)Written test of the standard consistent with the minimum Educational qualifications prescribed i.e., Intermediate qualification will be held on OMR basis ( Technology) for all the eligible applicants. In addition to it, skill test will also be conducted to the candidates for which the candidates have to make arrangements to get their own Typewriter for the skill test.
ii) The District Judge, Medak at Sangareddy is the ultimate authority to take any decision and his/her decision on any aspect in regard to recruitment against this Notification shall be final.
iii) No persons shall be eligible for appointment to the service by direct recruitment unless he/she satisfy the following namely:
a)That he/she is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defects or infirmities rendering him/her unfit for the service.
b)    That his/her character and antecedents are such as would not disqualify for the service.

Out of five posts of Stenographer Grade-III four (4) posts are reserved for local and one (1) posts is “unreserved” for which both local and non-local candidate can compete and get Selected as per merit, as per para 8

(1) (a) and the presidential orders used vide G.O.Ms.No.674 dt: 20-10-1975.
The recruitment shall be subject to the Rule of reservation in favour of candidates belonging to SC, ST and BC categories and women as per rules in force. The District Judge, Medak at Sangareddy reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of vacancies after issuance of the notification, if the situation warrants.
a)                 Written examination which is objective in form shall carry 50 marks and skill test shall carry 30 marks .

b)                 Oral interviews shall carry 20 marks.

Candidates that are qualified in the written test/skill test as the case may be, shall be short-listed to the level of 1:10 of the available vacancies, in order of merit, conferring eligibility upon them, to appear for oral interviews.


Only such candidates who secure 40% marks ( for OC Category), 35% (for B.C category and 30% ( for SC and ST Categories), in written test and only such candidates who secure minimum 50% marks ( for O.C Category) and minimum 40% marks ( for BC/.SC/ST category) in skill test, be treated as qualified in the written examination.


After result of written test/skill test as the case may be are announced, qualified candidates in the ratio of 1:3 of the available vacancies in the category shall be called for Oral Interviews.

The candidates must enclose the attested true copies/ Xerox copies of the following testimonials:

i) Certificates of Academic and Technical Qualifications such as Marks Lists, T.C. Pass Certificates, Testimonials and other certificates to prove their professional skills, if any;
ii)Marks List of the Qualifying Examination i.e., Intermediate I and II years should be enclosed to the application form. If not the application form shall be rejected summarily even without registration.
iii) Certificate evidencing Date of Birth.
iv) Community Certificate ( Caste Certificate) in respect of SC/ST/BC candidates in the prescribed proforma issued by Competent Authority in case reserved candidates.
         v) Employment Registration Card ( with upto date renewals).
vi) Certificate in respect of Local/Non Local Candidate in terms of Presidential Orders 1975 i.e., Study Certificate for four (4) consecutive academic years preceding the year for the qualifying examination (i.e., VII to X are to be enclosed) or in case, if, they have not studied in any institution in the District during the said period of four (4) years, Residence certificate from the concerned MRO for four (4) years preceding the years of qualifying examination in Annexure-I and residence certificate for four (4) years preceding the year of issue of certificate shall be produced in Annexure-II in terms of G.O.Ms.No.729, GAD (SPF-A) Department, Dt:01-11-1975. If the certificates in proof of Local/Non Local candidature are not produced or if they are not in accordance with these instructions, the application will be rejected.
         vii) Any other relevant certificates.
         viii) A self-addressed Postal Cover duly stamped for Registered Post with acknowledgment Due.
ix) Three recent Color Passport size photographs of the applicant duly attested by a Gazetted Officer – (i) on the top of the application in the space provided (ii) on the Original Hall ticket; and (iii) on the duplicate hall Ticket in the space provided. 

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