Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited 109 Vacancies

Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), is a Public Sector Undertaking and a Group Company of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., invites applications from bright, young and energetic persons of Indian Nationality for the following Non-supervisory positions. The number of vacancies indicated are tentative which may increase or decrease in the relevant categories at the absolute discretion of the Management.

Important Dates:

Opening of online application:20.04.2015
Closing of online application:11.05.2015
Deposit of payment through Challan:13.05.2015
Admit card download:29.05.2015
Written Test (in Chennai):14.06.2015

S.No Posts Departments Vac. Reserved for
UR OBC SC ST Remarks
1 Jr. Engineering Asstt.-IV (Chemical) Manufacturing 59 32 16 10 1
2 Jr. Engineering Asstt.-IV (Mechanical) Maintenance / 26 13 8 5 - {One post reserved for OH(OL)/HH }
3 Jr. Engineering Asstt.-IV (Electrical) Power & Utilities 11 6 3 2 - {One post reserved for OH(OL)/HH }
4 Jr. Engineering Asstt.-IV (Instrumentation) Maintenance 2 2 - - -
5 Jr. Engineering Asstt.-IV (Automobile) 6 3 2 1 -
Total 104 56 29 18 1
The above posts (except Sl. No. 5) will be operated in round- the- clock rotating shift.

Age Limit as on 30.04. 2015: 28 years relaxable by 5 years for SC/ST, 3 years for OBC and 10 years for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) candidates (15 years for PwD – SCs/STs and 13 years for PwD - OBCs).

 Pay & Emoluments:

Candidates will be appointed in the IDA Pay Scale of `11,900-32,000 on a basic pay of `11,900/-(Rupees Eleven Thousand Nine Hundred only) in Grade IV in Non-Supervisory cadre, subject to medical fitness.

Mode of Selection:

The selection shall be made through Written Test (to be held in Chennai only) and Personal Interview of the short listed candidates. The written test is scheduled on 14.06.2015 (Sunday).

How to Apply:

Eligible candidates will have to apply through online registration system of CPCL only. To apply visit: and click on “People & Careers” and then “Recruitment of Workmen – 2015”. The site will be functional from 1030 hours of 20.04.2015 to midnight of 11.05.2015. No other mode of application will be accepted. CPCL will not be responsible for non-receipt / bouncing back of any email sent to the candidate.

Candidates belonging to General / OBC category is required to pay a non-refundable registration fee of `300/- (Rupees Three hundred only) (SC/ST/PWD candidates are exempted).

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