SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination 2015

Staff Selection Commission released the notification for Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2015. This exam contains Tier-I, Tier-II stages.Tier-I held on SUNDAY the 9th August, 2015 & 16th August, 2015 and if necessary, on subsequent Saturdays/Sundays, in different batches, for selecting candidates for Tier-I examination for filing up different categories of posts in various Ministries/Departments/ Organisations.

SSC CGL Vacancy Details:
Name of the Examination: Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2015 (Tier-I)
Name of the Post:
I. Group B Posts:
1. Assistant
2. Assistant (Cypher)
3. Inspector, (Central Excise)
4. Inspector (Preventive Officer)
5. Inspector (Examiner)
6. Assistant Enforcement Officer
7. Sub Inspector
8. Inspector of Posts
9. Statistical Investigator Gr.II
10. Inspector
II. Group C Posts:
1. Inspector of Income Tax
2. Divisional Accountant
3. Auditor
4. Accountant/ Junior Accountant
5. Upper Division Clerk
6. Tax Assistant
7. Compiler
8. Sub Inspector
Last Dates for Registrations:
For Part-I: 28.05.2015
For part II :01.06.2015

For Detailed Notification
Part-I registration
Part -II registration

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