District Cooperative Central Banks in Telangana State- Clerk/ AM 906 Vacancies

Assistant Manager/ Staff Assistant/ Clerk Jobs opportunity in District Cooperative Central Banks in Telangana State. Eligible local candidates of the State of Telangana may apply online from 09-10-2015 to 19-10-2015.

Total No.of Vacancies Both Clerk and Assist Manager:906
Vacancy Details District Wise:
DCCB Karimnagar: 210 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 171 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 39 Posts
DCCB Nalgonda: 85 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 74 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 11 Posts

DCCB Mahabubnagar: 64 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 64 Posts

DCCB Medak: 69 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 55 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 14 Posts

DCCB Warangal: 60 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 171 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 39 Posts

DCCB Khammam: 121 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 171 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 39 Posts

DCCB Hyderabad: 98 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 171 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 39 Posts

DCCB Nizamabad: 105 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 171 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 39 Posts

DCCB Adilabad: 94 Posts
1. Staff Assistants/ Clerk: 171 Posts
2. Assistant Manager: 39 Posts

Assistant Manager
Qualification : (i) Graduation in any discipline with 60% aggregate marks, or Commerce Graduate with 55% aggregate marks. Note: The percentage of marks in graduation shall be arrived at by dividing the aggregate/total marks obtained by the candidate in all subjects, as graded by the concerned University/Board, with the aggregate maximum marks of the examination passed for all the years of the examination. In case, the Universities or Boards award marks in the form of Grades, such Grades will be considered to the equivalent percentage specified above as per the rules of the Universities or Boards. (ii) Knowledge of English and Proficiency in local language (Telugu) is essential. (iii)Preference will be given to candidates with computer knowledge (as per assessment at the time of interview).

Pay Scale : The Scale of Pay for the post of Assistant Manager, at present is Rs. 6400-350/3-7450-400/3-8650- 500/4-10650-550/4-12850-650/5-16100-700/4-18900-750/1-19650 plus 3 stagnation increments of Rs. 750/- each biannually after reaching maximum in the scale. At present the total starting emoluments are around Rs.15,664/- per month, inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rates. The existing pay scales are due for revision w.e.f.1.11.2012.

Age (as on 01.10.2015) : Above 18 years – Below 30 years i.e. candidates should have been born on or after 02.10.1985, but not later than 01.10.1997 (both dates inclusive)

Selection Procedure : The selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of the Online 
Test/Examination and interview. The Online Test/Examination will be conducted in English.

Staff Assistant/Clerk
Qualification :1) Graduation of a recognized University. And 2) Knowledge of English and Proficiency in local language (Telugu) is essential. 3) Preference will be given to candidates with computer knowledge (as per assessment at the time of interview).

Nativity : Candidate should be a local candidate of the State of Telangana. The following will be the methodology adopted to define the local candidate of the Telangana State

Pay Scale : The Scale of Pay for the post of Staff Assistant, at present is Rs.5450-300/2-6050-350/4-7450- 400/3-8650-500/4-10650-550/4-12850-650/5-16100-700/1-16800 (24 stages) + 4 stag. increments of Rs.700/- each biannually after reaching maximum in the scale. At present the total starting emoluments are around Rs.13339/- per month, inclusive of DA & HRA at the current rates. The existing pay scales are due for revision w.e.f.1.11.2012.

Age (as on 01.10.2015) : Above 18 years – Below 30 years i.e. candidates should have been born on or after 02.10.1985, but not later than 01.10.1997 (both dates inclusive)
The selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of the Online Test/Examination and interview. The Online Test/Examination will be conducted in English.

Application Fee including Bank and other Charges (Non-Refundable)
SC/ST/PC/EXS (intimation charges) : Rs. 250/-
General/BC (application + intimation charges) : Rs. 500/-

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online for their belonging District from 09-10-2015 to 19-10-2015.

District Cooperative Central Banks in Telangana State Clerk/ AM 906 Vacancies

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