Horticulture Multipurpose Extension Officer 91 vacancies in Krishna District

Government of Andhra Pradesh, Horticulture Department, Krishna District has issued notification for the recruitment of 91 Multipurpose Extension Officer [MPEO] (Horticulture) vacancies.

Name of the Organization: Department of Horticulture, Krishna District
Official Site: www.krishna.nic.in or www.horticulture.ap.nic.in
Total Vacancies: 91 posts
Job Role: Multi Purpose Extension Officer posts
 Job Category: Government job
Job Location: Andhra Pradesh
Type of Appointment: contract – 1yr
Horticulture Multipurpose Extension Officer 91 vacancies in Krishna District

Application form
The last date for the receipt of filled in Krishna MPEO Application form is 18th December 2015. The direct application forms can be downloaded from the official website www.krishna.nic.in or www.horticulture.ap.nic.in. The selection process will be made through the interview and based on merit in the academic records. Selected applicants will be posted with consolidated pay of Rs. 8000 per month. Interested contenders can check the Krishna District MPEO Recruitment 2016 notification before filling the application form.

Eligibility criteria:
Educational Qualification:
Applicants must have following qualifications and order of preference will be as per the order of the qualifications given below:
·        Sc Horticulture / B.Sc Horticulture
·        Polytechnic Diploma in Horticulture
·        Sc / M.Sc with Horticulture as a subject.
Age limit:
Candidate’s age limit should be 18 to 40 years as on 01.07.2015.  Age relaxations applicable as per Govt. norms for SC/ ST/ BC & PH candidates

Selection process:
Applicants will be selected based on Merit in Educational Qualifications (80%) and Interview (20%).

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