Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Engineer Trainees 115 vacancies

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) has announced the recruitment of Engineer Trainees in Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics Engineering and Metallurgy. Candidates must have valid GATE 2016 scores to be eligible for recruitment. The Applications are now available from January 4 to February 1, 2016.

Name of the Post
Total Vacancies
Scale of Pay
Engineer Trainees throughGATE-2016
200 (Mechanical – 115, Electrical – 60, Electronics – 15, Metallurgy – 10)
20,600 – 46,500/-

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL) Engineer Trainees 115 vacancies

Upper Age Limit (as on 01/09/2015): 27 Years (Candidates born before 01/09/1988 are not eligible to apply); 29 Years for candidates having two years' full time Post Graduate in Engineering or Business Administration/ Management. Age Relaxation - 05 Years for SC / ST; 03 Years for OBC (NCL).

Pay Scale: Candidates joining BHEL as Engineer Trainees will undergo training for one year. During training period, basic pay of 20600/- in the scale of pay of 20600-46500/- will be paid. After successful completion of training, the trainees will be absorbed as Engineers in the scale of pay of 24900 - 50500/- with a basic pay of 24900/-

Educational Qualifications: Full-Time Bachelor's Degree in Engineering /Technology or Five year integrated Master's degree or Dual Degree programme in Engineering or Technology in the disciplines of Mechanical/ Electrical/ Electronics or Metallurgical Engineering from a recognized Indian University/ Institute.

Eligibility: Eligible candidates must appear for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Exam - Mechanical (ME), Electrical (EE), Electronics (EC), Metallurgy (MT) Papers.

Selection Process: The selection based on the GATE-2016 Marks and requirement, candidates will be shortlisted for Interview in order of merit in the ratio of 1:3 to the number of vacancies in each discipline and Category. Physically Challenged candidates will be accorded upto 20 % relaxation below the cut-off marks in their respective categories for being shortlisted for interview. Please note that GATE Scores of 2016 will only be valid.

Application Fee: The candidates belonging to General and OBC categories are required to make a payment of 250/- as non-refundable processing fee. This fee can be paid in any of the branches of State Bank of India across the country, to "Power Jyoti A/c 31170378124" only through the challan hosted on the BHEL Recruitment website. The triplicate challan (1st copy - Applicant's copy, 2nd copy- BHEL copy, 3rd copy - Bank copy) for payment fees will be available to be downloaded on BHEL website.

How To Apply: GATE-2016 Exam Appeared Eligible candidates Apply Online through BHEL Website from 04/01/2016 to 01/02/2016. Candidates should take a print out of the Acknowledge Slip (Online Application Form) and affix a copy of the photograph used for GATE-2016, sign at the space provided and send it to: SR.DGM (HRM), BHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LTD. BOILER AUXILIARIES PLANT, INDIRA GANDHI INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, RANIPET-632 401, TAMIL NADU on or before 08/02/2016.

Important Dates:
Commencement of on-line submission of applications : 4th January, 2016
Closing of on-line submission of Applications :1st February, 2016
Last date of receipt of Ack. Slips at BHEL, BAP, Ranipet: 8th February, 2016

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