IBPS Tentative Calendar of Examinations for CWE-VI for Participating Organizations

(1)             PSBs – CWE PO/MT-VI and CWE CLERK-VI

The tentative dates are as follows :


Preliminary Examination
16.10.2016, 22.10.2016 & 23.10.2016

Main Examination


Preliminary Examination
26.11.2016, 27.11.2016, 03.12.2016 & 04.12.2016

Main Examination
31.12.2016 & 01.01.2017

(2)             PSBs – CWE SPECIALIST-VI

There will be single examination and the tentative dates are as follows:
Single Examination
28.01.2017 & 29.01.2017

(3)             NOTE :

Tentative Calendar for CWE-V for RRBs shall be displayed in due course.

Process of Registration

The registration process will be through online mode only and there will be a single registration for both Preliminary and Main examination, wherever applicable.

Payment of fees / intimation charges

Only online mode of payment will be available.

Detailed Notifications

Prospective candidates are also advised to visit official website of IBPS www.ibps.in regularly for detailed notification for each of the above examinations to be displayed in due course.

IBPS Tentative Calendar of Examinations for CWE-VI for Participating Organizations

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