Collector & District Magistrate, West Godavari Junior Assistants/Typists/ Jr.Steno SC,ST Backlog Vacancies

Applications are invited from eligible S.C. and S.T. candidates for appointment as Junior Assistants/Typists/ Jr.Steno in A.P. Ministerial Services, for limited recruitment of backlog vacancies of SCs and S.Ts.


(i) Junior Assistants                       Bachelors Degree of any University in India established

or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or
Provincial  Act  or  an  Institution  recognized  by  the
University Grants Commission.

(ii) Typists                                       i.  Bachelors  Degree  of  any  University  in  India

established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act or Provincial Act or an Institution recognized
by the University Grants Commission.

ii. Must  have  passed  the  Government  Technical

Examination in Typewriting by the Higher Grade in
Telugu in Government standard Key Board.

(iii) Jr. Stenographers                     i.  Bachelors  Degree  of  any  University  in  India

established or incorporated by or under a Central Act,
State Act or Provincial Act or an Institution recognized
by the University Grants Commission.

ii.  Must  have  passed  the  Government  Technical

Examination in Typewriting by the Higher Grade in the

relevant language: and

iii.  Must  have  passed  the  Government  Technical

Examination in Shorthand By the Higher Grade in the
relevant language.

Note: - If candidate with higher grade qualification either in Typewriting or Shorthand or both are not available, candidate in lower grade qualification will be considered for appointment as Typist or Stenographers as the case may be.

3.          AGE: The applicant should have completed (18) years of age as on 01.07.2016 and should not have completed (45) years of age on the said date.

(i)           Regular State Govt. Employees shall be allowed to deduct from their age, the length of regular services under the State Govt. up to a maximum of FIVE years for the purpose of computing the maximum age limit subject to the limitations prescribed by the rules.

(ii)         Retrenched temporary employees of the Census Dept., who have rendered at least SIX months temporary service are allowed to deduct THREE years from their age.

N.B:    The Tahsildars are competent authorities to issue certificates regarding status of the candidates in this matter.

4.          SCALE OF PAY: As per A.P., - Revised Pay Scales – 2015

5.           Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the qualifying academic examination i.e., “Bachelors Degree of any University in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, State Act or Provincial Act or an Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission”

6. Thereafter, a further test shall be conducted i.e. “Proficiency in Office Automation with usage of computers and associated software”, only for the short listed candidates to assess the proficiency in Office Automation with usage of computers and associate software, before finalizing the selection list. Only those candidates who pass the qualifying test to assess “Proficiency in Office Automation with usage of computers and associate software” would be eligible for appointment to the relevant post.

7.          The rule of reservation (General Rule 22) is applicable.

8.          Selection for Women Quota will be as per the roaster points available with the concerned Departments.

9.          Approximate number of vacancies in each category of posts in the district is given below. The vacancies given are subject to decrease or increase according to circumstances.

10.        Selection of an applicant by the competent authority carries with it no guarantee of actual appointment.

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