Procedure for filing complaint with Banking Ombudsman

1.    Any person who has a grievance against a bank may make a complaint in writing to the banking Ombudsman. He may himself give complaint or through an authorized representative

2.     The name and address of the complainant, the name and address of the bank against which the complaint is made with supported documents and extent of the loss caused to the complainant with relief sought to be provided.

          3.       The prerequisites required for making a complaint:
        a. The complainant should have filed a complaint with the bank in writing and either the bank had rejected the same or the complainant had not received any satisfactory reply within 2 months.
b. The complaint should be made not later than one (1) year after the bank had rejected the representation.
 The Ombudsman must try to promote a settlement of the complaint by agreement between the complainant and the bank through conciliation or mediation. He will pass an award after affording the parties reasonable opportunities to present their case. He will be guided by the evidences placed before him by the parties with principles of banking law and practice and guidelines issued by the RBI. A copy of the award should be sent to the complainant and the bank named in the complaint.
Some of the complaints related to deficiencies in banking service are as given below:
1.           Non-payment or delay in payment or collection of cheques, drafts, bills, etc.
2.           Non-acceptance without sufficient cause of small denominations notes tendered by the customers
3.           Non-issue of drafts to customers
4.           Non-adherence to prescribed working hours by banks
5.           Complaint in respect of unauthorized or fraudulent withdrawals and cases pertaining to the operations in savings, current or any other accounts.
6.   Complaints related to loans and advances viz., non-observance of RBI directives on interest rates, delays in sanction of loans, etc.

Procedure for filing complaint with Banking Ombudsman

