Confusing words in English:
1. Borrow vs. Lend
Borrow (verb) - (అప్పుగా లేదా అరువుగా తీసుకొను) to take or accept something for a short time with the intention of returning it to its rightful owner
E.g. May I borrow a pencil, please?
Lend (verb) - (అప్పుగా లేదా అరువుగా ఇచ్చు) to give something for a short time with the intention of getting it back
E.g. Would you please lend me a pencil?
2. Breath vs. Breathe
Breath (noun) - (ఊపిరి) air taken into the lungs and then let out
E.g. Take a deep breath.
Breathe (verb) - (ఊపిరి తీసుకొను మరియు వదులు) to inhale and exhale
E.g. Just calm down and breathe.
3. Cache vs. Cash
Cache (noun) - (ఏదైనా దాచి ఉంచే ప్రదేశం) a safe place to store supplies; anything stored or hidden in such a place
E.g. The hikers found a cache with some cash and jewels.
Cash (noun) - (డబ్బు) money, coins, bills; currency
E.g. ATM machines dispense cash.
4. Complement vs. Compliment
Complement (noun) - (పూరించేది, సంపూర్ణం చేసేది) that which completes or brings to perfection; (verb) - to make complete
E.g. Red wine is a nice complement to a steak dinner.
Compliment (noun) - (ప్రశంస) something said in admiration, praise, or flattery; (verb) - to pay a compliment to; congratulate
E.g. She gave me a nice compliment when she said I looked thin.
5. Desert vs. Dessert
Desert (verb) - (వదిలేయు) to forsake or abandon; to leave without permission; to fail when needed
E.g. Soldiers should not desert their posts.
Desert (noun) - (ఎడారి) dry, barren, sandy region
E.g. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara.
Dessert (noun) - (భోజనం తర్వాత ఇచ్చే తీపి పదార్థం) a sweet course served at the end of a meal
E.g. Fruit makes a healthy dessert after lunch or dinner.
1. Borrow vs. Lend
Borrow (verb) - (అప్పుగా లేదా అరువుగా తీసుకొను) to take or accept something for a short time with the intention of returning it to its rightful owner
E.g. May I borrow a pencil, please?
Lend (verb) - (అప్పుగా లేదా అరువుగా ఇచ్చు) to give something for a short time with the intention of getting it back
E.g. Would you please lend me a pencil?
2. Breath vs. Breathe
Breath (noun) - (ఊపిరి) air taken into the lungs and then let out
E.g. Take a deep breath.
Breathe (verb) - (ఊపిరి తీసుకొను మరియు వదులు) to inhale and exhale
E.g. Just calm down and breathe.
3. Cache vs. Cash
Cache (noun) - (ఏదైనా దాచి ఉంచే ప్రదేశం) a safe place to store supplies; anything stored or hidden in such a place
E.g. The hikers found a cache with some cash and jewels.
Cash (noun) - (డబ్బు) money, coins, bills; currency
E.g. ATM machines dispense cash.
4. Complement vs. Compliment
Complement (noun) - (పూరించేది, సంపూర్ణం చేసేది) that which completes or brings to perfection; (verb) - to make complete
E.g. Red wine is a nice complement to a steak dinner.
Compliment (noun) - (ప్రశంస) something said in admiration, praise, or flattery; (verb) - to pay a compliment to; congratulate
E.g. She gave me a nice compliment when she said I looked thin.
5. Desert vs. Dessert
Desert (verb) - (వదిలేయు) to forsake or abandon; to leave without permission; to fail when needed
E.g. Soldiers should not desert their posts.
Desert (noun) - (ఎడారి) dry, barren, sandy region
E.g. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara.
Dessert (noun) - (భోజనం తర్వాత ఇచ్చే తీపి పదార్థం) a sweet course served at the end of a meal
E.g. Fruit makes a healthy dessert after lunch or dinner.