ONGC Recruitment through GATE 2019 - Oil and Natural Gas
Corporation (ONGC) will announce the recruitment for Graduate Trainees at E-1
level in Engineering & Geo-Sciences through GATE 2019.
limit: as
on 01.01.2019
·For AEE(Drilling/Cementing): 28 years
·For except AEE(Drilling/Cementing): 30 years
Relaxations in upper age limit:
·For OBC: 3 years
·For SC, ST: 5 years
·Persons with Disabilities(PWD): 10 years (further relaxed by
3 yrs for OBC and 5 years for SC/ST)
The GATE-2019 Score in the subject
mentioned against the posts of ONGC will be considered by ONGC for shortlisting
the candidates for the further selection process of Personal Interview as per
the criteria decided by the Management.
to Apply:
All interested and eligible
candidates can apply for this position in online through GATE 2019 Examination
latest by 1st October 2018.
GATE 2019 Examination:
·Starting Date of Online Application Form: 1st September 2018
·Closing Date of Application Form: 21st September 2018
·Extended Closing Date for Submission of (Online)
Application: 1 October 2018
·Date of Examination: 2,3,9,10 February 2019
·Announcement of GATE-2019 Results: 16 March 2019.
Qualification, application fee etc visit detailed notification clickhere