English - Hindu Vocabulary for Competitive Exams 17.12.2018


1. Inflation(मुद्राप्रसार)
Synonyms: boom, expansion, hike, rise, aggrandizement
Antonyms: abridgment, compression, decrease, reduction, deflation

2. Appear(दिखाई/आभास होना)
Synonyms: arrive, come, come out, crop up, develop
Antonyms: abandon, conceal, depart, disappear, go

3. Various(विभिन्न)
Synonyms: assorted, different, discrete, disparate, distinct
Antonyms: alike, combined, connected, joined, like

4. Essential(आवश्यक ) 
Synonyms: crucial, fundamental, imperative, indispensable, main
Antonyms: auxiliary, extra, inessential, minor, needless

5. Battle(लड़ाई/संग्राम)
Synonyms: action, assault, attack, bloodshed, bombing
Antonyms: accord, ceasefire, harmony, peace, etreat

6. Successive(क्रमिक/लगातार
Synonyms: consecutive, ensuing, subsequent, succeeding, alternating

7. Verdict(फैसले/निर्णय)
Synonyms: answer, award, conclusion, decision, decree
Antonyms: accusation

8. Competitive(प्रतियोगी/प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक)
Synonyms: aggressive, ambitious, competing, cutthroat, vying
Antonyms: noncompetitive, unambitious

9. Grabbing(हथियाने) 
Synonyms: capture, catch, clutch, grasp, grip
Antonyms: be immune, free, give, let go, liberate

10. Increasingly(तेजी से)
Synonyms: more, more and more, progressively, with acceleration
Antonyms: decreasingly, less

English - Hindu Vocabulary for Competitive Exams 17.12.2018

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