rigging (noun) – an act of manipulating/conducting something fraudulently, particularly elections.
bear (verb) – tolerate, withstand, stand up to.
echo (noun) – sign, indication, hint.
pledge (noun) – promise, commitment, vow/assurance.
distance oneself from (verb) – reject, disagree with, denounce.
legacy (noun) – footprint, effect/outcome (something received from a predecessor or from the past).
case in point (phrase) – illustration, example, occurrence.
fallout (noun) – adverse results; repercussions, after-effects.
steep (adjective) – sharp, sudden, rapid/high.
come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to.
rigging (noun) – an act of manipulating/conducting something fraudulently, particularly elections.
bear (verb) – tolerate, withstand, stand up to.
echo (noun) – sign, indication, hint.
pledge (noun) – promise, commitment, vow/assurance.
distance oneself from (verb) – reject, disagree with, denounce.
legacy (noun) – footprint, effect/outcome (something received from a predecessor or from the past).
case in point (phrase) – illustration, example, occurrence.
fallout (noun) – adverse results; repercussions, after-effects.
steep (adjective) – sharp, sudden, rapid/high.
come under (phrasal verb) – be subjected to.