English - Hindu Vocabulary for Competitive Exams 24.03.2019


1. Awareness(जागरूकता )
Synonyms: alertness, appreciation, attention, consciousness, experience
Antonyms: disregard, ignorance, neglect, misunderstanding, unfamiliarity

2. Acute(विकट/कठिन )
Synonyms: intense, keen, sharp, subtle, sensitive
Antonyms: blunt, calm, dull, forthright, honest

3. Reflect(विचारना/चिंतन करना)
Synonyms: echo, follow, mirror, reverse, cast
Antonyms: be original, request, take, disregard, ignore

4. Surveillance(निगरानी )
Synonyms: care, control, examination, inspection, scrutiny
Antonyms: carelessness, ignorance, neglect, negligence, indifference

5. Presence(उपस्थिति/मौजूदगी)
Synonyms: existence, being, companionship, company, habitation
Antonyms: absence, agitation, confusion, distance, distress

6.Disease(रोग/बीमारी) .
Synonyms: Cancer, bug, condition, contamination, defect
Antonyms: advantage, good health, health, ability, blessing

7. Deployed(तैनात/खोल देना)
Synonyms: expand, open, set up, use, arrange
Antonyms: conclude, end, finish, conceal, disarrange

8. Adapt(अनुकूलन/अनुरूप होना)
Synonyms: acclimate, accommodate, accustom, alter, comply
Antonyms: neglect, refuse, reject, disagree, disarrange

9. Complications(उलझन/जटिलताओं)
Synonyms: complexity, confusion, difficulty, obstacle, problem
Antonyms: advantage, calm, clarity, ease, peace

10. prevent(रोकना)
Synonyms: avert, avoid, bar, block, counter
Antonyms: advance, aid, allow, approve, assist

11. Virulence(विषैलापन/क्रोध)
Synonyms: acerbity, acrimony, animosity, animus, annoyance
Antonyms: calm, calmness, cheer, comfort, delight

12. Widespread(बड़े पैमाने पर/प्रचारित )
Synonyms: across the board, all over the place, boundless, broad, common
Antonyms: concentrated, limited, local, narrow

13. Rapid(तीव्र/शीघ्र)
Synonyms: accelerated, breakneck, brisk, expeditious, fast
Antonyms: delayed, slow, sluggish,mtardy, languishing

14. Determine(निर्धारित/तय करना)
Synonyms: complete, regulate, resolve, rule, actuate
Antonyms: bear, begin, commence, create, discourage

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