English - Vocabulary for competitive Exams - 21.09.2020


1.Stunned (Adj)-very shocked or surprised. 

2.Overcome (V)-succeed in dealing with (a problem or difficulty). 

3.Stalemate (N)-a situation in which progress is impossible because the people or groups involved cannot agree. 

4.Negotiations (N)-discussion aimed at reaching an agreement. 

5.Cajole (V)-to persuade by flattery. चापलूसी करना

6.Lean On (Phrasal Verb)-to depend on someone.

7.Spelt Out (Phrasal Verb)-to explain something in a very clear way with details.

8.Whittled (V)-reduce something in size, amount, or extent by a gradual series of steps.

9.Palliatives (N)-something that alleviates or lessens a problem.

10.Drawdown (N)-a reduction in the size or presence of a military force. 

11.Truces (N)-an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time. 

12.Respite (N)-a pause or rest from something difficult or unpleasant. 

13.Hands-Off (Adj)-not involving or requiring direct control or intervention.

14.Unravelling (V)- to resolve the intricacy, complexity, or obscurity of.

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