Air India Air Transport Services Limited 402 Vacancies

Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) recruits the post of
SECURITY AGENT, for ground duties at the Airports at the respective stations mentioned in the following tables on a Fixed Term Contract basis for a period of three years which may be renewed subject to their performance and the requirement of the Company.

Region / Station
No. of Vacancies
Date & Time
Western Mumbai
4/25/2015                                   from 0800 Hrs. to1100hrs
Air India Staff Housing    Old Colony Ground, Kalina, Santa Colony Ground, Kalina, Santa Cruz(E), Mumbai 400 029.
The candidates interested in working at outstations like Goa, Surat, Bhuj & Jamnagar may also walk-in

Region / Station
No. of Vacancies
Date & Time
Southern Hyderabad
5-May-2015                     from 0800 1100Hrs.
Railway Recreation Club, Behind Rail Nilayam, Near Secunderabad Railway Station, Hyderabad 500 003.
The candidates interested in working at outstations like Vijaywada, Vishakhaptnam & Tirupati may also walk-in

Region / Station
No. of Vacancies
Date & Time
Southern Chennai
19-May-2015 from 0800 Hrs. to 1100 Hrs.
Air India sports Stadium, Air India Housing Colony, GST Road, Meenambakkam, Near  Palavanthaangal Railway Station, Chennai 600 027.
The candidates interested in working at outstations like Madurai & Coimbatore may also walk-in

No. of Vacancies
For Date & Time Venue
( Kerala )                               Kochi & other outstations
Please visit                   (  Option : Career )


            Educational Qualifications :
Graduate in any discipline (minimum 3 years duration) from a recognized
University with ability to speak English, Hindi and conversant with local language.
In case of Ex-Servicemen who have a service record of minimum 15 years in the Armed Forces & who had been discharged from the services during the preceding two years.

            Preferable :             i) NCC „C Certificate
ii) One year experience in the related area
iii) Diploma / Certificate Course in Computer Applications
            Experience : Experience is not a pre-requisite, however, those having airline security experience with AVSEC Qualifications and X-BIS

Certification may also walk-in on the date specified in the above tables.

Height : Not below 172 cms. for male and 160 cms. for female candidates.

(Relaxation in height of 2.5 cms to SC/ST Candidates, for Gorkhas, and

those  hailing  from  North-East  states  and  hilly  areas  on  production  of

domicile  of  these  areas  as  applicable).  Medical  Certificate  from  the

Registered Medical Practitioner, indicating actual height in cms. and

weight in kgs. must be attached with the application.

Upper age limit : as on 01st APRIL 2015

Not above 28 years
(born between 02.04.1987 and 01.04.1997)

Not above 31 years
(born between 02.04.1984 and 01.04.1997)

Not above 33 years
(born between 02.04.1982 and 01.04.1997)

EMOLUMENTS : Rs. 13,800/- per month (all inclusive). On acquiring AVSEC qualification & X-BIS certification, additional allowances will be paid as applicable.

            Applicants those who have airline security experience with AVSEC 
Qualification and X-BIS Certification will undergo the selection procedure comprising of Personal Interview only.

Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1st April 2015, are required to WALK-IN in person, to the venue, on the dates and time as specified above along with the Application Form duly filled-in & copies of the testimonials/certificates , (as per attached application format with this advertisement) and non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.500/- (Rupees Five Hundred Only) by means of a Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd.”, payable at Mumbai. No fees to be paid by Ex-servicemen / candidates belonging to SC/ST communities. Please write your Full Name, Date of Birth & Mobile.No. on the reverse of the Demand Draft.

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