Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Entrance Test-2016

Dr BR Ambedkar Open University has released notification for entrance-2016. The candidates, who want to get admission to BA/B.Com/B.Sc (3 years degree) programmes offered by the Dr BR Ambedkar Open University, can have a look over here.  The admissions will be made through Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2016.

Important Dates for BR Ambedkar Open University Eligibility Test 2016:


Commencement of Registration: January 22nd 2016
Last date for Registration: March 15th 2016
Last date for Registration with a Late Fee of Rs.100/-: March 31st 2016
Date and Time of Eligibility Test: April 17th 2016 (Sunday, 10.00 am to 12.30 pm)
Eligibility Criteria:
Candidates who do not possess Intermediate (or) its Equivalent Qualification are eligible to appear for the Eligibility Test for admission into Ist year of the B.A./B.Com/B.Sc (3 Year Under Graduate Degree Programs) for the Academic Year 2016-17, provided they have completed 18 years of age by 01st July 2016
Candidates who have not completed 18 years by 01st July 2016 are not eligible to appear for the Eligibility Test
How to Apply:
Candidates who wish to appear for Eligibility Test shall register through "On-line" from our own website i.e., www.braouonline.in
Choose the Study/Examination Centre where you want to appear for ET and collect the Information Brochure ET-2016 (Free of Cost) from the Study Centre and read it carefully
Approach the nearby Study Centre with all the documents required, along with a latest passport size photo. Provide the required information through University Website, fill your ET-2016 Registration form "Online" and upload photo and signature
Pay Rs.200/- by Debit/Credit Card through University Online or Rs.210/- at the On-line Franchisee Centre towards Registration Fee and obtain receipt
Collect a print out of Registration Form from the University website and retain it for your reference along with fee payment receipt

Dr BR Ambedkar Open University Entrance Test-2016

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