Telangana LAWCET Notification 2016

Telangana LAWCET Notification 2016 is going to conducted by  Kakatiya University, Warangal on behalf of Telangana State Council of Higher Education. 
Telangana LAWCET Notification 2016
Colleges and Universities in Telangana Conduct and Entrance Test for Admission into 3 year and 5 year LLB programs This year the Exam Shall be held on 6th June 2016 i.e. on Saturday Application shall be Released from March 2016 onwards

Eligibility for Lawcet–2016
3 year LL.B. Course - The Candidates for 3 year LL.B. should have passed any Graduate Degree (10+2+3 pattern) of a recognized University with 45% of aggregate marks or any other examination recognized as equivalent by the Universities concerned 
5 Year LL.B. Course - The Candidates for 5 year LL.B Should have Passed two year Intermediate Examination (10+2 pattern) with 45% of Aggregate marks or any other Examination Recognized as Equivalent by the University Concerned or the Board of Intermediate Education Telangana State

There is a relaxation of 5% of marks in the above qualifying examinations for 3 year / 5 year Law course in favor of the Candidates belonging to SC / ST 

Eligibility for Pglcet–2016 
Educational Qualifications - Candidates Holding LL.B.. Degree on the Date of Application and Candidates who have Appeared / Appearing for LL.B. Final year Examination are also Eligible

Age on admission- Subject to the Conditions Stipulated by the Govt. of Telangana on this Behalf the Maximum age limit for a Candidate Seeking Admission into the 3 year and 5 year LL.B Course shall be Thirty Years ( relaxable by five years in case of SCs / STs ) and twenty years (Relaxable by two years in case of SCs /STs Respectively as on December of the year of Seeking Admission

How to Apply - For TSLAWCET 2016, Application form should be submitted ONLY through ONLINE mode. Please visit the TSLAWCET -2016 website for more details.

Important Dates:
TS LAWCET 2016 Notification Release Date : 12th March, 2016
Online submission of applications starts from: 15.03.2016
Online submission of applications ends without late fee : April 15, 2016
Last Date to submit TSLAWCET-2016 Online Applications : 30.04.2016 ( with late fee of Rs. 500 )
Closing date for telangana lawcet online registrations : May 7, 2016 ( Rs.1000/- as late fee )
The Deadline for Online Application forms for lawcet-2016 : 15.05.2016 ( Rs.1500/- as late fee )
Download TS LAWCET Hall Tickets from : May 14, 2016 ( Onwards )
TS LAWCET Exam Date & timings : 24th May, 2016 ( 10 am to 11:30 am )
Date & Time of TSPG LAWCET-2016 is 24.05.2016 ( 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm)
The results of telangana lawcet will be declared on : June 10, 2016

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