*APPSC Extended dates :*
👉 Last date for submission of applications for the post of *Panchayat Secretary* (Notification No. 13/18) is 29/01/2019 (Note: 28/01/2019 is the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59 mid night)
👉 Last date for submission of applications for the *Group- I Services* (Notification No.27/2018) is 07/02/2019 (Note: 06/02/2019 is the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59 mid night)
👉 Last date for submission of applications for the *Group- II Services* (Notification No.25/2018) is 10/02/2019 (Note: 09/02/2019 is the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59 mid night)
👉 Last date for submission of applications for the post of *Panchayat Secretary* (Notification No. 13/18) is 29/01/2019 (Note: 28/01/2019 is the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59 mid night)
👉 Last date for submission of applications for the *Group- I Services* (Notification No.27/2018) is 07/02/2019 (Note: 06/02/2019 is the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59 mid night)
👉 Last date for submission of applications for the *Group- II Services* (Notification No.25/2018) is 10/02/2019 (Note: 09/02/2019 is the last date for payment of fee up to 11:59 mid night)