1. Transparency(पारदर्शिता )
Synonyms: clarity, clearness, pellucidity, pellucidness, translucence
Antonyms: opacity, opaqueness
2. Bringing(लाना)
Synonyms: bear, carry, deliver, import, lead
Antonyms: avoid, disenchant, dodge, fail, hold
3. Stipulation(शर्त/नियम)
Synonyms: arrangement, clause, obligation, precondition, provision
Antonyms: disagreement, implication, request, wish
4. Efforts(प्रयास)
Synonyms: achievement, attempt, battle, creation, endeavor
Antonyms: destruction, idleness, incompetence, laziness, ruin
5. Thwarted(नकाम बनाना
Synonyms: circumvent, counter, curb, defeat, foil
Antonyms: abet, aid, allow, assist, encourage
6. Inflated(बढ़े हुए )
Synonyms: bloated, magnified, overblown, swollen, aggrandized
Antonyms: shrunken, abbreviated, abridged, compressed, contracted
7. Eliminates(हटाना/समाप्त करता है)
Synonyms: cancel, defeat, dispose of, disqualify, eradicate
Antonyms: add, aid, allow, create, establish
8. Strengthens(मज़बूत बनाना/पुष्ट करना)
Synonyms: bolster, build up, enhance, enlarge, establish
Antonyms: abridge, condense, curtail, decrease, destroy
9. Incentive(प्रोत्साहन/प्रलोभन)
Synonyms: encouragement, enticement, impetus, motivation, reason, stimulus
Antonyms: discouragement, hindrance, deterrent, dislike, prevention
10. Revision(संशोधन/पुनरीक्षण)
Synonyms: alteration, amendment, improvement, modification, reconsideration
Antonyms: worsening
11. Conventional(पारंपरिक/रूढ़ )
Synonyms: current, ordinary, regular, traditional, typical
Antonyms: abnormal, different, extraordinary, irregular, rare
12. Possibilities(संभावनाएं).
Synonyms: capabilities, potentiality, promise, prospects, talent
Antonyms: impossible
13. Attracts(आकर्षित )
Synonyms: appeal to, bring, captivate, draw, engage
Antonyms: bore, disenchant, disgust, disinterest, give up
14.Represent(दरसाना/प्रतिनिधित्व )
Synonyms: mean, perform, produce, serve, serve as, show
Antonyms: refuse, be original, differ, imbalance, oppose
15.Scope( गुंजाइश)
Synonyms: breadth, capacity, extension, opportunity, outlook
Antonyms: extreme, imprisonment, incarceration, limitation, restraint
16. Bottlenecks(अड़चनों/बाधाओं )
Synonyms: barrier, blockage, congestion, hindrance, impediment
Antonyms: aid, assistance, help, opening
17. Achieved(हासिल)
Synonyms: accomplish, attain, bring about, carry out, complete
Antonyms: abandon, begin, commence, depart, destroy
18. Competitive(प्रतिस्पर्धी/प्रतियोगी)
Synonyms: aggressive, ambitious, competing, cutthroat, vying
Antonyms: noncompetitive, unambitious
19. Content(संतुष्ट/आनंदित
Synonyms: comfortable, contented, fulfilled, satisfied, willing
Antonyms: discontented, unhappy, unsatisfied, upset, depressed
20. Streamed(अधिकता/लहराना)
Synonyms: current, flood, flow, rush, spate
1. Transparency(पारदर्शिता )
Synonyms: clarity, clearness, pellucidity, pellucidness, translucence
Antonyms: opacity, opaqueness
2. Bringing(लाना)
Synonyms: bear, carry, deliver, import, lead
Antonyms: avoid, disenchant, dodge, fail, hold
3. Stipulation(शर्त/नियम)
Synonyms: arrangement, clause, obligation, precondition, provision
Antonyms: disagreement, implication, request, wish
4. Efforts(प्रयास)
Synonyms: achievement, attempt, battle, creation, endeavor
Antonyms: destruction, idleness, incompetence, laziness, ruin
5. Thwarted(नकाम बनाना
Synonyms: circumvent, counter, curb, defeat, foil
Antonyms: abet, aid, allow, assist, encourage
6. Inflated(बढ़े हुए )
Synonyms: bloated, magnified, overblown, swollen, aggrandized
Antonyms: shrunken, abbreviated, abridged, compressed, contracted
7. Eliminates(हटाना/समाप्त करता है)
Synonyms: cancel, defeat, dispose of, disqualify, eradicate
Antonyms: add, aid, allow, create, establish
8. Strengthens(मज़बूत बनाना/पुष्ट करना)
Synonyms: bolster, build up, enhance, enlarge, establish
Antonyms: abridge, condense, curtail, decrease, destroy
9. Incentive(प्रोत्साहन/प्रलोभन)
Synonyms: encouragement, enticement, impetus, motivation, reason, stimulus
Antonyms: discouragement, hindrance, deterrent, dislike, prevention
10. Revision(संशोधन/पुनरीक्षण)
Synonyms: alteration, amendment, improvement, modification, reconsideration
Antonyms: worsening
11. Conventional(पारंपरिक/रूढ़ )
Synonyms: current, ordinary, regular, traditional, typical
Antonyms: abnormal, different, extraordinary, irregular, rare
12. Possibilities(संभावनाएं).
Synonyms: capabilities, potentiality, promise, prospects, talent
Antonyms: impossible
13. Attracts(आकर्षित )
Synonyms: appeal to, bring, captivate, draw, engage
Antonyms: bore, disenchant, disgust, disinterest, give up
14.Represent(दरसाना/प्रतिनिधित्व )
Synonyms: mean, perform, produce, serve, serve as, show
Antonyms: refuse, be original, differ, imbalance, oppose
15.Scope( गुंजाइश)
Synonyms: breadth, capacity, extension, opportunity, outlook
Antonyms: extreme, imprisonment, incarceration, limitation, restraint
16. Bottlenecks(अड़चनों/बाधाओं )
Synonyms: barrier, blockage, congestion, hindrance, impediment
Antonyms: aid, assistance, help, opening
17. Achieved(हासिल)
Synonyms: accomplish, attain, bring about, carry out, complete
Antonyms: abandon, begin, commence, depart, destroy
18. Competitive(प्रतिस्पर्धी/प्रतियोगी)
Synonyms: aggressive, ambitious, competing, cutthroat, vying
Antonyms: noncompetitive, unambitious
19. Content(संतुष्ट/आनंदित
Synonyms: comfortable, contented, fulfilled, satisfied, willing
Antonyms: discontented, unhappy, unsatisfied, upset, depressed
20. Streamed(अधिकता/लहराना)
Synonyms: current, flood, flow, rush, spate