Synonyms: achievement, cting, depiction, execution, impersonation
Antonyms: failure, neglect, block, disallowance, hindrance
2. Defaulting(दोषी/पैरवी न करना)
Synonyms: delinquency, nonpayment, absence, blemish, blunder
Antonyms: abundance, accuracy, achievement, adequacy, advantage
3. Aspects(पहलु)
Synonyms: attitude, condition, facet, form, air
Antonyms: whole
4. Loopholes(खामियाँ
Synonyms: alternative, outlet, technicality, escape clause, means of escape
5. Initiatives(पहल/उपक्रम)
Synonyms: action, drive, leadership, push, ambition
Antonyms: apathy, cowardice, idleness, inactivity, indifference
6. Stifled(दबाया/त्रस्त)
Synonyms: curb, muzzle, repress, silence, mother
Antonyms: allow, encourage, free, let go, loose
7. Liquidation(परिसमापन/दिवालियापन)
Synonyms: clearance, destruction, eradication, expulsion, removal
Antonyms: acceptance, addition, allowance, inclusion
8. Prescribed(निर्धारित)
Synonyms: arbitrary, recommended, ethical, magistral, prescriptive
Antonyms: unprescribed
9. Seeking(मांग/खोजना)
Synonyms: searching, hunting, probing, pursuing
10. Repaid(चुकाया/वापस करना)
Synonyms: compensated, indemnified, recompensed, refunded, remunerated
11. Enacting(अमलदर/लागू करना
Synonyms: achieve, execute, depict, discourse, do
Antonyms: fail, miss, direct, hinder, prevent
12. Recalcitrant(अड़ियल/हठी)
Synonyms: fractious, obstinate, rebellious, unruly, wayward
Antonyms: agreeable, compliant, manageable, obedient, yielding
13. Paradise(स्वर्ग /सुखभवन)
Synonyms: bliss, heaven, utopia, wonderland, Arcadia
Antonyms: hell
14.Observed(अवलोकन /देखे गए।)
Synonyms: attended, checked, detected, noticed, realized
Antonyms: abandoned, desecrated, forgotten, unnoticed, unperceived
15. Referred(संदर्भित /निर्दिष्ट)
Synonyms: assign, attribute, cite, hint, indicate
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, remove, hold back
16. Entrepreneurs(व्यवसायी)
Synonyms: administrator, contractor, executive, manager, producer
Antonyms: employee
Synonyms: achievement, cting, depiction, execution, impersonation
Antonyms: failure, neglect, block, disallowance, hindrance
2. Defaulting(दोषी/पैरवी न करना)
Synonyms: delinquency, nonpayment, absence, blemish, blunder
Antonyms: abundance, accuracy, achievement, adequacy, advantage
3. Aspects(पहलु)
Synonyms: attitude, condition, facet, form, air
Antonyms: whole
4. Loopholes(खामियाँ
Synonyms: alternative, outlet, technicality, escape clause, means of escape
5. Initiatives(पहल/उपक्रम)
Synonyms: action, drive, leadership, push, ambition
Antonyms: apathy, cowardice, idleness, inactivity, indifference
6. Stifled(दबाया/त्रस्त)
Synonyms: curb, muzzle, repress, silence, mother
Antonyms: allow, encourage, free, let go, loose
7. Liquidation(परिसमापन/दिवालियापन)
Synonyms: clearance, destruction, eradication, expulsion, removal
Antonyms: acceptance, addition, allowance, inclusion
8. Prescribed(निर्धारित)
Synonyms: arbitrary, recommended, ethical, magistral, prescriptive
Antonyms: unprescribed
9. Seeking(मांग/खोजना)
Synonyms: searching, hunting, probing, pursuing
10. Repaid(चुकाया/वापस करना)
Synonyms: compensated, indemnified, recompensed, refunded, remunerated
11. Enacting(अमलदर/लागू करना
Synonyms: achieve, execute, depict, discourse, do
Antonyms: fail, miss, direct, hinder, prevent
12. Recalcitrant(अड़ियल/हठी)
Synonyms: fractious, obstinate, rebellious, unruly, wayward
Antonyms: agreeable, compliant, manageable, obedient, yielding
13. Paradise(स्वर्ग /सुखभवन)
Synonyms: bliss, heaven, utopia, wonderland, Arcadia
Antonyms: hell
14.Observed(अवलोकन /देखे गए।)
Synonyms: attended, checked, detected, noticed, realized
Antonyms: abandoned, desecrated, forgotten, unnoticed, unperceived
15. Referred(संदर्भित /निर्दिष्ट)
Synonyms: assign, attribute, cite, hint, indicate
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, remove, hold back
16. Entrepreneurs(व्यवसायी)
Synonyms: administrator, contractor, executive, manager, producer
Antonyms: employee