English - Common Mistakes in English

 ✏️ *Misused forms*  ✏️

*♦️Confidence in*, not to.

✖️Don't say: I have great confidence to you.
✔️Say: I have great confidence in you.

➕Note: In confidence: Let me tell you something in confidence {= as a secret)
*♦️ Conform to,* not with.

✖️Don't say:'We must conform with the rules.
 ✔️Say. We must conform to the rules.

➕Note: comply lakes with. We'll comply with your request.
*♦️ Congratulate on*, not for.

✖️Don't say: I congratulate you for your success.
✔️ Say: I congratulate you on your success.
*♦️ Consist of*, not from.
✖️Don't say: A year consists from twelve months.
✔️ Say: A year consists of twelve months.

➕Note: Take great care never to use consist in the passive form.
*♦️Covered with*, not by.

✖️Don't say: The mountains are covered by snow.
✔️ Say: The mountains are covered with/in snow.
*♦Cure of*  not from.

✖️Don't say: The man was cured from his illness.
✔️ Say: The man was cured of his illness.

🔸 The noun cure takes for
🔸There is no cure for that disease
♦️ *Depend on* or upon, not from

✖️Don't say: It depends from her.
✔️ Say: It depends on (or upon) her.

➕Note :
➖ Rely on or upon :
🔸can't rely on (or upon) him.
🆔 @english_union
🌀 #Common_Mistakes

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