1. Transferring(स्थानांतरित करना)
Synonyms: assign, bring, carry, cede, change
Antonyms: fail, fight, fix, hold, hold back
2. Inadequacies(अपर्याप्तता )
Synonyms: dearth, deficiency, failing, flaw, imperfection
Antonyms: abundance, advantage, perfection, plenty, strength
3. Lack(कमी)
Synonyms: absence, dearth, inadequacy, loss, paucity
Antonyms: abundance, affluence, enough, excess, plenty
4. Confidence(आत्मविश्वास )
Synonyms: assurance, certainty, courage, determination, morale
Antonyms: doubt, fear, hesitation, irresolution, uncertainty
5. Probe(जांच/छानबीन)
Synonyms: examination, exploration, inquest, inquiry, research
6. Destitute(बेसहारा/निःसहाय
Synonyms: bankrupt, exhausted, impoverished, indigent, insolvent
Antonyms: affluent, rich, solvent, wealthy, lucky
7. Instances(उदाहरणों/घटना)
Synonyms: detail, example, item, occasion, occurrence
8. Horrific(भयावह/भीषण
Synonyms: abominable, appalling, awful, cruel, disgusting
9. Violence(हिंसा/क्रूरता).
Synonyms: assault, attack, bloodshed, brutality, clash
Antonyms: calm, health, kindness, method, niceness
10. Subsequent(आगामी/बाद की)
Synonyms: consecutive, consequent, ensuing, following, successive
Antonyms: preceding, anteceent, earlier, former, previous
11. disquieting(बेचैन/अशांत)
Synonyms: annoying, bothersome, disconcerting, distressing, disturbing
12. Influence(प्रभाव /शक्ति)
Synonyms: clout, consequence, control, domination, effect
Antonyms: beginning, cause, commencement, insignificance, origin
13. Exerting(दबाव
Synonyms: apply, bring to bear, exercise, expend, strive
Antonyms: conceal, hide, idle, ignore, laze
14. Bestowed(प्रदान करना)
Synonyms: bequeath, confer, donate, entrust, grant
Antonyms: take, deny, keep, refuse, withhold
1. Transferring(स्थानांतरित करना)
Synonyms: assign, bring, carry, cede, change
Antonyms: fail, fight, fix, hold, hold back
2. Inadequacies(अपर्याप्तता )
Synonyms: dearth, deficiency, failing, flaw, imperfection
Antonyms: abundance, advantage, perfection, plenty, strength
3. Lack(कमी)
Synonyms: absence, dearth, inadequacy, loss, paucity
Antonyms: abundance, affluence, enough, excess, plenty
4. Confidence(आत्मविश्वास )
Synonyms: assurance, certainty, courage, determination, morale
Antonyms: doubt, fear, hesitation, irresolution, uncertainty
5. Probe(जांच/छानबीन)
Synonyms: examination, exploration, inquest, inquiry, research
6. Destitute(बेसहारा/निःसहाय
Synonyms: bankrupt, exhausted, impoverished, indigent, insolvent
Antonyms: affluent, rich, solvent, wealthy, lucky
7. Instances(उदाहरणों/घटना)
Synonyms: detail, example, item, occasion, occurrence
8. Horrific(भयावह/भीषण
Synonyms: abominable, appalling, awful, cruel, disgusting
9. Violence(हिंसा/क्रूरता).
Synonyms: assault, attack, bloodshed, brutality, clash
Antonyms: calm, health, kindness, method, niceness
10. Subsequent(आगामी/बाद की)
Synonyms: consecutive, consequent, ensuing, following, successive
Antonyms: preceding, anteceent, earlier, former, previous
11. disquieting(बेचैन/अशांत)
Synonyms: annoying, bothersome, disconcerting, distressing, disturbing
12. Influence(प्रभाव /शक्ति)
Synonyms: clout, consequence, control, domination, effect
Antonyms: beginning, cause, commencement, insignificance, origin
13. Exerting(दबाव
Synonyms: apply, bring to bear, exercise, expend, strive
Antonyms: conceal, hide, idle, ignore, laze
14. Bestowed(प्रदान करना)
Synonyms: bequeath, confer, donate, entrust, grant
Antonyms: take, deny, keep, refuse, withhold