1. vigorous(जोरदार /व्यवसायिक)
Synonyms: active, brisk, dynamic, effective, efficient
Antonyms: apathetic, delicate, dispirited, dull, easy
2. deviations(हटना/भूल)
Synonyms: aberration,alteration, anomaly, breach, detour
Antonyms: agreement, conformity, consistency, harmony, normality
3. marginal(किनारे का/अत्यंत)
Synonyms: insignificant, minimal, minor, negligible, bordering
Antonyms: important, major, significant, central, core
4. revelations(खुलासे)
Synonyms: announcement, discovery, epiphany, leak, news
Antonyms: concealment, cover, hiding, quiet, secret
5. negotiation(मोल भाव/बातचीत)
Synonyms: agreement, arbitration, compromise, conference, consultation
Antonyms: disagreement
6. retain(बनाए रखने के/रोकना
Synonyms: absorb, cling to, contain, enjoy, have
Antonyms: abandon, desert, disperse, dispossess, exclude
7. qualitative(गुणात्मक )
Synonyms: approximate, subjective, conditional, dependent, partial
Antonyms: quantitative, objective
8. unprecedented(बेमिसाल/बेजोड़)
Synonyms: bizarre, extraordinary, fantastic, miraculous, new
Antonyms: bad, common, commonplace, customary, familiar
9. computation(गणना/हिसाब) ,
Synonyms: calculation, computing, counting, estimation, figuring
Antonyms: conjecture, guesstimation
10. resolved (संकल्प/राय
Synonyms: agree
answer, clear up, conclude, deal with
Antonyms: begin, forget, hesitate, oppose, question
11. acceptance(स्वीकृति)
Synonyms: acknowledgment, admission, approval, compliance, consent
Antonyms: denial, disagreement, disapproval, dissension, opposition
12. unprecedented(बेमिसाल/बेजोड़)
Synonyms: bizarre, extraordinary, fantastic, miraculous, new
Antonyms: bad, common, commonplace, customary, familiar
1. vigorous(जोरदार /व्यवसायिक)
Synonyms: active, brisk, dynamic, effective, efficient
Antonyms: apathetic, delicate, dispirited, dull, easy
2. deviations(हटना/भूल)
Synonyms: aberration,alteration, anomaly, breach, detour
Antonyms: agreement, conformity, consistency, harmony, normality
3. marginal(किनारे का/अत्यंत)
Synonyms: insignificant, minimal, minor, negligible, bordering
Antonyms: important, major, significant, central, core
4. revelations(खुलासे)
Synonyms: announcement, discovery, epiphany, leak, news
Antonyms: concealment, cover, hiding, quiet, secret
5. negotiation(मोल भाव/बातचीत)
Synonyms: agreement, arbitration, compromise, conference, consultation
Antonyms: disagreement
6. retain(बनाए रखने के/रोकना
Synonyms: absorb, cling to, contain, enjoy, have
Antonyms: abandon, desert, disperse, dispossess, exclude
7. qualitative(गुणात्मक )
Synonyms: approximate, subjective, conditional, dependent, partial
Antonyms: quantitative, objective
8. unprecedented(बेमिसाल/बेजोड़)
Synonyms: bizarre, extraordinary, fantastic, miraculous, new
Antonyms: bad, common, commonplace, customary, familiar
9. computation(गणना/हिसाब) ,
Synonyms: calculation, computing, counting, estimation, figuring
Antonyms: conjecture, guesstimation
10. resolved (संकल्प/राय
Synonyms: agree
answer, clear up, conclude, deal with
Antonyms: begin, forget, hesitate, oppose, question
11. acceptance(स्वीकृति)
Synonyms: acknowledgment, admission, approval, compliance, consent
Antonyms: denial, disagreement, disapproval, dissension, opposition
12. unprecedented(बेमिसाल/बेजोड़)
Synonyms: bizarre, extraordinary, fantastic, miraculous, new
Antonyms: bad, common, commonplace, customary, familiar