core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently).
persistent (adjective) – continuing, constant/continuous, steady.
deflationary (adjective) – characterized by or tending to cause economic deflation.
disquieting (adjective) – horrible, awful, disgusting/upsetting.
agrarian (adjective) – relating to cultivating/farming.
heartland (noun) – the most important part of a field of activity; the central part of something.
turnaround (noun) – an unexpected change.
fortunes (noun) – circumstances, state of affairs, conditions.
spigot (noun) – tap, valve, stopcock.
woo (verb) – seek the support of, seek the favour of, try to attract.
impulse (noun) – (strong & sudden) urge/instinct, compulsion, need.
core inflation (noun) – it is a measure of the total inflation within an economy, excluding commodities such as food and energy prices (which change frequently).
persistent (adjective) – continuing, constant/continuous, steady.
deflationary (adjective) – characterized by or tending to cause economic deflation.
disquieting (adjective) – horrible, awful, disgusting/upsetting.
agrarian (adjective) – relating to cultivating/farming.
heartland (noun) – the most important part of a field of activity; the central part of something.
turnaround (noun) – an unexpected change.
fortunes (noun) – circumstances, state of affairs, conditions.
spigot (noun) – tap, valve, stopcock.
woo (verb) – seek the support of, seek the favour of, try to attract.
impulse (noun) – (strong & sudden) urge/instinct, compulsion, need.