English - Hindu Vocabulary for Competitive Exams 26.03.2019


Important Vocabulary

1. indulgence(अनुग्रह/आज्ञा)
Synonyms: extravagance, kindness, leniency, permissiveness, privilege
Antonyms: disapproval, disfavor, disregard, dissatisfaction, frustration

2. resonance(गूंज/प्रतिध्वनि),
Synonyms: fullness, langency, sonority, vibration

3. Despite(के बावजूद)
Synonyms: against, although, even though, even with, in contempt of

4. ecstatic(उन्मादपूर्ण/चित्ताकर्षक)
Synonyms: crazy, delirious, elated, enthusiastic, euphoric
Antonyms apathetic, balanced, collected, depressed, down

5. franchise(सुविधा/मताधिकार/रिआयत)
Synonyms: authorization, ballot, charter, exemption, freedom
Antonyms responsibility

6. denying(नकारना/अस्वीकार करना)
Synonyms: ban, call on, contradict, oppose, rebuff
Antonyms OK, accept, allow, approve, ratify

7. recuperate(पुनरावृत्ति/संभलना ).
Synonyms: bounce back, convalesce, get well, heal, mend
Antonyms deteriorate, hurt, lose, decline, fail

8. bubbled(बुदबुदाना)
Synonyms: boil, burble, churn, erupt, fester
Antonyms be happy, freeze

9. speculation(सट्टा/चिंतन/विचार)
Synonyms: belief, conjecture, opinion, thought, cerebration
Antonyms reality, truth, disdain, disregard, ignorance

10. Strangely(अनोखे ढंग से),
Synonyms: abnormally, amazingly, curiously, peculiarly, rarely
Antonyms frequently, commonly, normally, regularly, unexceptionally

11. impact(प्रभाव)
Synonyms: brunt, shock, bang, blow, bounce
Antonyms avoidance, failure, loss, praise, stillness

12. confusion(उलझन/गड़बड़ी)
Synonyms: bewilderment, disorientation, distraction, embarrassment, turbulence
Antonyms : calm, peace, calmness, happiness, clarity

13. reinforced(प्रबलित
Synonyms: assisted, augmented, fortified, strengthened, backed

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