1. Sanction(मंजूरी/प्रतिबंध)
Synonyms: approval, acquiescence, allowance, approbation, assent
Antonyms: denial, disagreement, disapproval, discouragement, opposition
2.Violation(उल्लंघन )
Synonyms: abuse, contravention, encroachment, infraction, infringement
Antonyms: obedience, observance
Synonyms: accusation, charge, claim, plea, statement
Antonyms: exculpation, denial
4. Conduct(व्यवहार/आचरण)
Synonyms: charge, handling, management, manipulation, oversight
Antonyms: mismanagement, disorganization, disregard, ignorance, neglect
5. Caused(वजह/कारण बनना)
Synonyms: begin, create, generate, induce, lead to
Antonyms: destroy, discourage, end, halt, prevent
6. Conspiracy(साजिश/षड्यंत्र),
Synonyms: plot, scheme, sedition, treason, cabal
Antonyms: faithfulness, honesty, ignorance, loyalty
7. Disbursed(चुकाना/व्यय करना)
Synonyms: contribute, dispense, distribute, expend, pony up
Antonyms: hold, keep, take, attach, collect
8. Denying(नकारना/छोड़ देना)
Synonyms: ban, call on, contradict, oppose, rebuff
Antonyms: OK, accept, allow, approve, ratify
9. Voluntary(स्वैच्छिक )
Synonyms: spontaneous, chosen, free, independent, volunteer
Antonyms: forced, involuntary, obligatory, unwilling
10. Dedication(निष्ठा/समर्पण)”
Synonyms: adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotion, devotedness
Antonyms: apathy, disloyalty, unfaithfulness
11. Commended(सराहना /प्रशस्त)
Synonyms: applaud, approve, compliment, endorse, extol
Antonyms: blame, censure, criticize, disapprove, oppose
12. Raise(बढ़ाना/उठाना)
Synonyms: boost, hike, increment, accession, accretion
Antonyms: decrease, decline, deduction, fall, shrinkage
13. Entitlements(हकों)
Synonyms: authorization, certificate, charter, consent, exemption
Antonyms: responsibility, denial, imprisonment, incarceration, limitation
14. Commended(सराहना /प्रशस्त)
Synonyms: applaud, approve, compliment, endorse, extol
Antonyms: blame, censure, criticize, disapprove, oppose
15. Conflict(संघर्ष /टकराव)
Synonyms: battle, clash, combat, competition, rivalry
Antonyms: peace, truce, agreement, calm, harmony
1. Sanction(मंजूरी/प्रतिबंध)
Synonyms: approval, acquiescence, allowance, approbation, assent
Antonyms: denial, disagreement, disapproval, discouragement, opposition
2.Violation(उल्लंघन )
Synonyms: abuse, contravention, encroachment, infraction, infringement
Antonyms: obedience, observance
Synonyms: accusation, charge, claim, plea, statement
Antonyms: exculpation, denial
4. Conduct(व्यवहार/आचरण)
Synonyms: charge, handling, management, manipulation, oversight
Antonyms: mismanagement, disorganization, disregard, ignorance, neglect
5. Caused(वजह/कारण बनना)
Synonyms: begin, create, generate, induce, lead to
Antonyms: destroy, discourage, end, halt, prevent
6. Conspiracy(साजिश/षड्यंत्र),
Synonyms: plot, scheme, sedition, treason, cabal
Antonyms: faithfulness, honesty, ignorance, loyalty
7. Disbursed(चुकाना/व्यय करना)
Synonyms: contribute, dispense, distribute, expend, pony up
Antonyms: hold, keep, take, attach, collect
8. Denying(नकारना/छोड़ देना)
Synonyms: ban, call on, contradict, oppose, rebuff
Antonyms: OK, accept, allow, approve, ratify
9. Voluntary(स्वैच्छिक )
Synonyms: spontaneous, chosen, free, independent, volunteer
Antonyms: forced, involuntary, obligatory, unwilling
10. Dedication(निष्ठा/समर्पण)”
Synonyms: adherence, allegiance, commitment, devotion, devotedness
Antonyms: apathy, disloyalty, unfaithfulness
11. Commended(सराहना /प्रशस्त)
Synonyms: applaud, approve, compliment, endorse, extol
Antonyms: blame, censure, criticize, disapprove, oppose
12. Raise(बढ़ाना/उठाना)
Synonyms: boost, hike, increment, accession, accretion
Antonyms: decrease, decline, deduction, fall, shrinkage
13. Entitlements(हकों)
Synonyms: authorization, certificate, charter, consent, exemption
Antonyms: responsibility, denial, imprisonment, incarceration, limitation
14. Commended(सराहना /प्रशस्त)
Synonyms: applaud, approve, compliment, endorse, extol
Antonyms: blame, censure, criticize, disapprove, oppose
15. Conflict(संघर्ष /टकराव)
Synonyms: battle, clash, combat, competition, rivalry
Antonyms: peace, truce, agreement, calm, harmony