English - Hindu Vocabulary for Competitive Exams 11.03.2019


insurgency (noun) – uprising, revolt, rebellion.

endemic (adjective) – common, general, usual (area where a particular disease/condition is often found).

ode (noun) – piece of poetry, lyric, sonnet.

critique (verb) – talk/write about, investigate, discuss.

duty bound (adjective) – beholden, indebted, obligated.

fiefdom (noun) – territory/sphere over which a particular person/group has rights and controls its overall operations.

fall back (phrasal verb) – retreat, withdraw, back off.

oft-repeated (adjective) – often repeated

grammar (noun) – the basic elements of an area of something(knowledge/skill).

surgical strike (noun) – the military attack aimed to cause damage on a particular target with small/no collateral damage to surroundings.

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