1. breathing(सांस लेना/प्राणत्व).
Synonyms: respiratory, gasping, inhaling, panting, wheezing
Antonyms:breathless, dead, deceased, lifeless
2. extremely(बेहद /अत्यंत
Synonyms: acutely, awfully, exceedingly, exceptionally, excessively
Antonyms:incompletely, little, mildly, moderately
3. hazardous(खतरनाक)
Synonyms: dicey, difficult, perilous, precarious, risky
Antonyms: certain, definite, safe, secure, stable
4. collaboration(सहयोग/सहभागिता
Synonyms: association, collusion, combination, concert, participation
Antonyms: disunion, division, separation, noncooperation
5. mitigate(घटाना/कम करना)
Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, blunt, dull
Antonyms:aggravate, agitate, extend, increase, intensify
6. emissions(उत्सर्जन/फैलाव)
Synonyms: discharge, radiation, ejaculation, ejection, emanation
Antonyms: concealment, containment, refrain, repression, suppression
7. reduction(कमी /छूट)
Synonyms: contraction, cut, cutback, devaluation, discount
Antonyms: increase, enlargement
8. containing(युक्त)
Synonyms: accommodate, consist of, enclose, encompass, have
Antonyms:exclude, free, disbelieve, let go, release
9. monitoring(निगरानी)
Synonyms: audit, check, control, follow, keep an eye on
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, forget
10. causes(कारण )
Synonyms: element, explanation, matter, motivation, motive
Antonyms:discouragement, effect, result, conclusion, finish
11. emissions(फैलाव/उत्सर्जन)
Synonyms: discharge, radiation, ejaculation, ejection, emanation
Antonyms: concealment, containment, refrain, repression, suppression
12. insights(अंतर्दृष्टि)
Synonyms: acumen, intuition, judgment, observation, understanding
Antonyms: ignorance, stupidity
14. robust(मजबूत),
Synonyms: booming, hearty, hefty, potent, powerful
Antonyms: fragile, impotent, incapable, ineffective, lethargic
1. breathing(सांस लेना/प्राणत्व).
Synonyms: respiratory, gasping, inhaling, panting, wheezing
Antonyms:breathless, dead, deceased, lifeless
2. extremely(बेहद /अत्यंत
Synonyms: acutely, awfully, exceedingly, exceptionally, excessively
Antonyms:incompletely, little, mildly, moderately
3. hazardous(खतरनाक)
Synonyms: dicey, difficult, perilous, precarious, risky
Antonyms: certain, definite, safe, secure, stable
4. collaboration(सहयोग/सहभागिता
Synonyms: association, collusion, combination, concert, participation
Antonyms: disunion, division, separation, noncooperation
5. mitigate(घटाना/कम करना)
Synonyms: allay, alleviate, assuage, blunt, dull
Antonyms:aggravate, agitate, extend, increase, intensify
6. emissions(उत्सर्जन/फैलाव)
Synonyms: discharge, radiation, ejaculation, ejection, emanation
Antonyms: concealment, containment, refrain, repression, suppression
7. reduction(कमी /छूट)
Synonyms: contraction, cut, cutback, devaluation, discount
Antonyms: increase, enlargement
8. containing(युक्त)
Synonyms: accommodate, consist of, enclose, encompass, have
Antonyms:exclude, free, disbelieve, let go, release
9. monitoring(निगरानी)
Synonyms: audit, check, control, follow, keep an eye on
Antonyms: ignore, neglect, forget
10. causes(कारण )
Synonyms: element, explanation, matter, motivation, motive
Antonyms:discouragement, effect, result, conclusion, finish
11. emissions(फैलाव/उत्सर्जन)
Synonyms: discharge, radiation, ejaculation, ejection, emanation
Antonyms: concealment, containment, refrain, repression, suppression
12. insights(अंतर्दृष्टि)
Synonyms: acumen, intuition, judgment, observation, understanding
Antonyms: ignorance, stupidity
14. robust(मजबूत),
Synonyms: booming, hearty, hefty, potent, powerful
Antonyms: fragile, impotent, incapable, ineffective, lethargic